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星期六, 1月 29, 2022
Baker Polito Administration Continues to Urge All Residents to Limit Travel Throughout Winter Storm
Baker Polito Administration Continues to Urge All Residents to Limit Travel Throughout Winter Storm
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today joined public safety and transportation officials to update Massachusetts residents on the ongoing winter storm. With heavy snowfall rates and wind gusts causing whiteout conditions, residents are urged to limit non-essential travel as the storm continues and clean up proceeds. Drivers should avoid travel tonight through tomorrow morning as crews continue clean up efforts.
Forecasts continue to predict maximum snow totals of near 30 inches in parts of the South Shore and eastern Massachusetts, with 18 to 24 inches in central parts of the state and up to 12 inches in parts of Western Massachusetts.
Light to moderate snow will continue into Saturday evening, with snow expected to end in the eastern part of the state by 11:00 PM.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)’s ban on travel for tractor trailer trucks, tandems and special permit haulers is in effect until midnight. Drivers of large trucks must continue to use caution after midnight and are encouraged to travel at or below the speed limit after the ban is lifted as drifting snow may cover road surfaces and storm crews will continue to be on highways involved in operations.
The Massachusetts National Guard has equipment and personnel standing by to assist the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) and local authorities with twelve teams positioned in the eastern part of the state.
Over 100,000 customers are without power at this time, mostly in southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands. The Administration remains in close contact with the electric distribution companies (EDCs), who are working to restore service quickly and safely to their customers; however, winds must subside to 35mph or less in order for utility crews to be able to enter bucket trucks and address powerline issues.
MBTA and Commuter Rail:
The MBTA continues its suspension of Green Line D train service and the running of replacement bus service between Reservoir and Kenmore Stations. The Mattapan Line remains suspended with replacement buses. Ferry service between Charlestown and Long Wharf continues to be suspended. Decisions to suspend bus service will be made on a route-by-route basis.
The Commuter Rail continues to operate on a regular weekend schedule for all lines, with the exception of the Fitchburg Line running a storm schedule with trains operating between Littleton and Wachusett. On the Fitchburg Line, the planned bus diversion is canceled for Saturday and trains will operate between Littleton and Wachusett.
For the protection of workers and riders, the previously planned weekend work on the Silver Line between South Station and Silver Line Way as well as on the Green Line D Branch from Newton Highlands to Riverside has been cancelled.
MBTA emergency crews continue to be prepared throughout the storm to respond to instances of broken rail, issues affecting the power systems, potential switch problems and any water-related issues that may occur.
The MBTA’s Emergency Operations Center will closely monitor rail and bus service throughout the storm and provide updates to commuters at www.mbta.com/winter. Servic
Highway Safety:
MassDOT deployed approximately 3,000 pieces of state and vendor equipment for snow and ice operations. MassDOT urges members of the public to stay updated on reduced speed limits, tractor trailer bans and roadway conditions.
Public Safety:
The Commonwealth’s Emergency Operations Center in Framingham and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Regional Emergency Operations Centers in Tewksbury and Agawam remain activated and staffed.
Nearly 30 communities have stood up local Emergency Operation Centers to coordinate with MEMA. Ten local and regional shelters and five warming centers have opened in eastern and southeastern areas of the state.
DCR Closures:
Parking bans along Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) managed parkways remain in effect. The parking bans are consistent with local municipal bans where the parkways are located, and will be lifted shortly after the completion of snow and ice clearing operations. The agency asks all drivers on coastal parkways to use extreme caution and to watch for lane closures due to potential flooding and storm debris in the roadways. Furthermore, all coastal DCR-operated parking lots, as well as some agency-managed recreational facilities, are closed due to the storm, but are expected to reopen at varying times on Sunday, January 30, 2022. Please visit DCR’s website and Twitter @MassDCR account for updates.
The Baker-Polito Administration remains in close contact with MEMA, National Weather Service, MassDOT and MSP to monitor the forecast and will work to alert the public with important updates or notifications. Please visit mass.gov/snow to learn what you should do during and after a winter storm.
紐英崙中華公所新任主席雷國輝首次主持董事大會。(周菊子攝) |
紐英崙中華公所2022屆職員,左起張青梅,陳余寶愛,翁宇才, 雷國輝,阮鴻燦,主持首次董事大會。右一為行政主任朱蘇珊(周菊子攝) |
左起張青梅,陳余寶愛,翁宇才,雷國輝,阮鴻燦等主持 2022首次董事大會。(周菊子攝) |
2022年度中華公所董事大會第一件大事是選舉物業,選舉/章程, 財政,核數等小組委員會成員。公所職員左起翁宇才,阮鴻燦, 張青梅(坐者),陳余寶愛,雷國輝等人一起開票。(周菊子攝) |
50號的土地發展近況,附帶說明中華公所聘請的律師事務所Casner &
Phelan (曾任昆士市市長) 晤談,並於1月18日發給對方律師一份談話備忘錄。另外還有華福樓
(Waterford Place) 的維修,融資,以及大同村停車場的土地發展近況。
許多中華公所董事對選舉結果十分關心,紛紛走到黑板前查看票數。右起梁利堂, 甄若素,余積驍,陳建立,雷國輝,梅錫銳,阮鴻燦,翁宇才。(周菊子攝) |
前排左起馮武成,陳文珊,陳黃海蘭等董事坐在位子上看開票。(周菊子攝) |
Peter R. Munkenbeck在文件中指出,重新發展大同村這類項目,一般為期5年,作為顧問,他將為中華公所尋覓建築師,工程公司等各方面專家,代和聯邦及州市政府聯繫,尋找可申請的經費,確認聯繫人等等工作,甚至列出了執行為期2年的大同村實體維修及樓宇內外改善等工程。在報酬部分,他列出顧問費每小時200元,外加中華公所作為土地發展商所得土地發展費的5%。
中華公所董事們各自的座位都刻意排開,保持疫情安全距離。右起,關麗莎,鄭慧民, 梁添光,黃國威,何遠光,池元山,阮謝少珍,陳家驊。(周菊子攝) |
& Edwards的5000元,Peter R.
星期五, 1月 28, 2022
Governor Baker Urges All Residents to Avoid Travel Throughout Winter Storm
Governor Baker Urges All Residents to Avoid Travel Throughout Winter Storm
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today is urging the people of the Commonwealth to avoid non-essential travel and prepare for the upcoming winter storm, which is expected to severely impact much of Massachusetts and bring blizzard conditions. Current forecasts predict eastern Massachusetts may receive 18 to 24 inches of snow, with as much as 30 inches possible in certain areas of the South Shore, with over 12 inches in central parts of the state and lesser amounts in western Massachusetts.
Beginning Friday night, and continuing throughout the day Saturday, the storm has the potential for strong winds, heavy snow and limited visibility, as well as flooding in some areas. Forecasts also predict high snowfall rates of 2 to 4 inches per hour with strong wind gusts, creating white out conditions and poor visibility on roadways and making it hazardous for travel.
Due to the forecast, Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is implementing a tractor trailer travel ban on the state’s interstate highways from Saturday between 6:00 a.m. through midnight for tractor trailer trucks, tandems and special permit haulers. MassDOT urges all of these large truck drivers to plan accordingly and to stay off the roads to allow MassDOT crews to work.
The Massachusetts National Guard has equipment and personnel standing by to assist the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) and local authorities with high water and stranded driver rescues if needed.
“We are actively monitoring this weekend’s winter storm, and we are urging residents to stay home and to allow crews to safely treat and clear roadways,” said Governor Baker. “We will keep the public informed, and we remind everyone to please check in on neighbors in need and to assist in keeping sidewalks and fire hydrants clear.”
“This storm has the potential for high winds and flooding in some coastal regions,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We will continue to collaborate with state agencies and local officials as the storm progresses, and we encourage residents to ensure they are prepared.”
This storm could cause power outages throughout the state, particularly along the coast, in eastern and southeastern Massachusetts and on the Cape and Islands. Utility crews are being staged to assist in restoring power. People are reminded to stay away from any downed utility wires.
MBTA and Commuter Rail:
The MBTA has announced that service on the Green Line’s D Branch and on the Mattapan Line is suspended Saturday. Shuttle buses will replace both D Branch service and Mattapan trolleys. Additionally, ferry service between Charlestown and Long Wharf is suspended tomorrow. Many buses are expected to operate on Snow Routes as weather conditions worsen. Crews will be working to clear snow and ice and respond to incidents such as downed trees, throughout the transit system, including the Commuter Rail, and T customers are asked to use caution on platforms and at bus stops.
The Commuter Rail will operate on a regular weekend schedule for Saturday. On the Fitchburg Line, the planned bus diversion is canceled for Saturday and trains will operate between Littleton and Wachusett. MBTA and Keolis crews will be pre-positioned at key facilities and infrastructure (switches, signals, etc.) to help ensure normal operations. Switch heaters and snow jets will be activated in critical areas as snow and ice begin to accumulate Friday night to ensure normal flow of train traffic.
The MBTA’s Emergency Operations Center will closely monitor rail and bus service throughout the storm and provide updates to commuters at www.mbta.com/winter. Servic
Highway Safety:
MassDOT has approximately 3,900 pieces of state and vendor equipment available for snow and ice operations and this includes over 1,400 plow and spreader combos, 2,100 plows, and 460 front-end loaders. The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles has postponed road tests scheduled on Saturday, January 29 due to the storm. Massport advises travelers to check with airlines as most airlines have already postponed flights scheduled for Saturday. MassDOT urges members of the public to stay updated on reduced speed limits, tractor trailer bans and roadway conditions.
Public Safety:
The State Emergency Operations Center at Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Headquarters will activate Saturday for the duration of the storm to monitor its impacts, coordinate response efforts and support impacted communities. MSP will have increased staffing for storm patrols and will offer additional support as needed statewide, and MSP Marine Unit assets and equipment will be pre-positioned to assist in flood-rescue efforts if needed. Residents are encouraged to check with their local public safety officials for shelter and other resources available during and after a storm, and can call 2-1-1 for any non-emergency storm questions.
DCR Closures:
This evening, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will implement parking bans for agency-managed parkways. Parking bans will be consistent with local municipal bans in which the parkways are located, and are expected to be lifted shortly after the completion of snow clearing operations. All coastal DCR-operated parking lots, as well as some agency-managed recreational facilities, will also be closed. Please check DCR’s website and Twitter @MassDCR for updates.
The Baker-Polito Administration remains in close contact with MEMA, National Weather Service, MassDOT and MSP to monitor the forecast and will work to alert the public with important updates or notifications. Please visit mass.gov/snow to learn what you should do before, during and after a winter storm.