
星期三, 1月 26, 2022

億元創業家朱為亭 (Tiffany Chu) 出任波士頓市長幕僚長

            (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 2022年二月,也是農曆寅虎年正月時,現年僅37歲,麻省理工畢業,和夥伴攜手創辦的都會交通規畫公司Remix甫於去年3月被Via以一億美元併購的朱為亭 (Tiffany Chu) ,將出任波士頓市長幕僚長。

畢業於哈佛大學,和朱為亭同歲的波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)希望借重朱為亭在城市規劃與交通科技上的專長,以及曾任舊金山環保局委員等資歷,逐步實現她改造波士頓的承諾。




From Remix website
20141月,朱為亭到舊金山當「為美國編程 (Code for America)

」研究員,成就了她的人生轉捩點。在那兒,她遇到了設計師哈希米(Sam Hashemi),工程師葛特曼(Dan Getelman)與威倫(Danny Whalen),4個人一起參加黑客松 (Hackathon)”比賽,設計出手機小程式,讓民眾向舊金山交通局建議更好的交通工具行走路線,沒想到2星期就有3萬張地圖被畫出來。

              在這種熱情引導下,他們4人成立了Remix,還從Y Combinator這家創投公司募得200萬元的種子輪資金,還接到奧勒岡(Oregan)交通局這第一個客戶,然後在追捧氣勢持續中,他們又募得2700萬元,最後在20213月被分佈五大洲有500多個合夥機構的按需共享汽車公司Via以一億美元收購。


綜觀領英 (LinkedIn) 與網路上有關她的報導,朱為亭也是那種「別人家的小孩」,高中就已經很優秀,以第一名的成績從新澤西州橋水高中 (Bridgewater-Raritan)畢業,既是學校的交響樂團成員,會彈鋼琴,吹橫笛,擅打網球,又和同學創辦慈善組織「人居 (Habitat for Humanity)」,還讀梅山中文學校,畢業後留校當助教。

朱為亭和吳弭都是父母來自台灣的第一代移民子女,都是學霸,具備中英雙語能力。儘管波士頓環球報今日同時刊出一篇標題為「民主瀕危」的報導,形容吳弭和新上任的非洲裔駐麻州美國檢察官Rachael Rollins都因為性別,種族,遭遇語言、行為霸凌,華裔社區對於他們倆人帶領波士頓市邁向未來,應該還是很有期許。


Chu is a technology and transportation expert, who will bring leadership and innovation skills to City Hall
BOSTON - Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the appointment of designer and planner Tiffany Chu as her Chief of Staff. Chu will begin transitioning into the role next month. 

Chu is the former CEO & Co-founder of Remix, a software platform for transportation planning, and a former Commissioner of the San Francisco Department of the Environment. She will play a crucial role in advancing Mayor Wu’s transportation and climate justice priorities. She will work alongside the Mayor and lead the Mayor’s Cabinet in implementing equitable policies that reach all of Boston’s neighborhoods. Chu will be responsible for overseeing daily operations and long-term initiatives of the Mayor’s Office, and encouraging collaboration between City departments, local organizations outside City Hall, and other levels of government on behalf of Boston residents.
From Remix website

“Tiffany brings a bold vision for what cities can do and how innovative teams can reshape what’s possible,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Her planning and team-building skills have already made impacts around the world. I’m confident that as our next Chief of Staff, she will bring our communities together to deliver on our brightest future.”

Tiffany Chu brings a background in design, urban planning, and entrepreneurship. She is the former CEO & Co-founder of Remix, and following the acquisition of Remix in
March 2021, she became Senior Vice President at 
Via, the global leader in transit tech. Remix’s collaborative software platform for transportation planning is used by the MBTA and 500+ cities globally, and aims to build a more equitable world by expanding access within it. The company has been recognized as a Tech Pioneer by the World Economic Forum and BloombergNEF for furthering sustainability and equity in the field. The acquisition of Remix by Via was one of the largest software acquisitions last year.

Chu has also served as a Commissioner of the San Francisco Department of the Environment and sat on San Francisco’s Congestion Pricing Policy Advisory Committee. 

"I have long been inspired by Mayor Wu and the new energy and inclusiveness her administration represents,” said Chief of Staff Tiffany Chu. “I am so incredibly honored to return to a city that I love and can't wait to get started and strengthen Boston's legacy as one of the most welcoming and livable cities in the world."

Chu is preceded by Mary Lou Akai-Ferguson, who served as Mayor Wu’s Interim Chief of Staff.

“Tiffany’s appointment is a huge win for Boston, and I look forward to seeing how her drive and expertise will create change,” said Mary Lou Akai-Ferguson, former Interim Chief of Staff. “As Boston continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and make progress as a national leader in transportation and climate justice, I know Tiffany will leave a lasting legacy. Congratulations!”

Previously, Chu was at Code for America, Y Combinator, Zipcar, and Continuum. She's been named in Forbes' 30 Under 30, LinkedIn's Next Wave of Leaders Under 35, and featured at SXSW, Helsinki Design Week, the New York Times Cities for Tomorrow Conference, and more. Chu has a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) School of Architecture and Planning. 

Chu is a first generation Taiwanese American. A few of her favorite things around Boston include the Charles River Esplanade, seafood at Giacomo’s, and the City’s walkability.
