星期四, 1月 27, 2022

大摩頓市亞裔社區聯盟 1/27-28 免費發放新冠病毒快速檢測盒


The Greater Malden Asian American Community Coalition (GMAACC) is distributing COVID-19 rapid test kits to Malden residents for the Lunar New Year.You can reserve 2 boxes for each address (4 tests in total).

Pickup address: Wah Lum Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy, 124 Ferry St, Malden, MA 02148.

MassHealth holders/uninsured: Thursday, January 27, 3pm-5:45 pm
All Others: Friday, January 28, 3pm-5:45pm.

500 rapid test kits will be given out every day. There is a limited supply

The information entered below to register must match your ID (and MassHealth card if applicable) at pickup.


Please register at this link: https://bit.ly/3fX0vZh 
