星期四, 7月 01, 2021

Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

 Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor 

 Boston, MA—  The Progressive West

Roxbury/Roslindale chapter of Progressive MA has endorsed Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston by an overwhelming majority, earning her the key support of an active group of organizers. They cited her record of fighting for change and strong vision in their endorsement. 

 Rachel Poliner, Chair of Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale Steering committee, said: “Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale is proud to endorse Michelle Wu to be the next Mayor of Boston. Michelle has been working to find solutions to Boston’s challenges citywide for eight years, and has been a consistent voice for progress as a City Councilor At-Large. She is the leader for this moment, with vision, practical and thorough plans, and she understands the interconnected and systemic nature of the challenges we face as a city.

 “During this mayoral campaign, originally launched as a challenge to Mayor Walsh, Michelle has stood out as the candidate who does the research, builds the coalitions, and crafts the policies to address issues throughout Boston. No matter the issue we’ve raised, from schools to housing, racial equity to climate, transit to policing, we’ve found Michelle has thought about it, and has a plan.”

 Michelle Wu said: "I’m delighted and deeply moved to earn the endorsement of my friends, neighbors, and fellow organizers in Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale. These incredible activists have helped reshape what’s possible in Boston politics and policy. Now’s the moment to organize for bold vision and urgent action, and I know this partnership will supercharge our grassroots momentum for City Hall and the mayor’s office to be a platform for activism all across our city."

 Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale’s endorsement adds to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic coalition of multigenerational, multicultural grassroots supporters including community activists and leaders such as Senator Elizabeth Warren, Assistant Majority Leader and State Senator Sal DiDomenico, former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing, Sunrise Boston, and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements
