星期五, 4月 09, 2021


       (Boston Orange)波士頓移民進步辦公室(MOIA)每月的第一及第三個星期三的中午12點至下午3點,提供免費移民諮詢,預約可洽617-635-2980或發電郵到immigrantadvancement@boston.gov

             查詢更多資訊,可上網http://ow.ly/1qMo50DBzok需要移民律師,或洽詢出門事宜?可電洽617-635-2980 ,或發電郵immigrantadvancement@boston.gov

      If you need immigration advice, the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement - Bostonoffers free immigration consultations on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 12 - 3 p.m. Call 617-635-2980 or email immigrantadvancement@boston.gov to make an appointment.Learn more: http://ow.ly/1qMo50DBzok

Need an immigration lawyer? Call 617-635-2980 or email immigrantadvancement@boston.gov to book a free immigration consultation today.

Do you need a travel lawyer? Call 617-635-2980 or email immigrantadvancement@boston.gov to book your travel advisory appointment today.
