(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市警察Patrick Rose的經過編輯內部調查報告,今天(4月19日)下午公佈了。波士頓市長Kim
Janey發表聲明,稱警察局顯然沒試過要開除他,整件事讓人深感不安,完全無法接受。 Kim
Janey保證,做為市長,她將竭盡所能讓這種事情不再發生。 Kim Janey在聲明中表示,公佈波士頓市前警察Patrick
Rose經過編輯的內部調查報告,旨在為1996年的內部事務調查,提供透明,負責的流程,也維持市府保護性暴力受害人的義務。 根據市府法律部門對Rose警員內部事務調查的審閱,顯然的波士頓市警察局之f前的領導們忽略了他們的保護及服務職責。儘管1996年的內部事務調查發現可信證據,支持對Rose警員性侵青少年的控訴,似乎警察局並沒有試圖開除他。 Rose能夠留在警察局繼續服務20年,甚至最後成為波士頓巡警協會會長,讓人深感不安,也完全不可接受。更有甚者,Rose還在他的職涯期間得以和年輕的性侵受害人繼續接觸,而且我們現在知道,他還繼續侵犯了其他幾名兒童。 Rose的性侵行為得以掩蓋。以及那時候警察局所展現的明顯缺乏領導力,讓人感到非常困擾。這種秘密文化不可以被容忍。當執法人員違犯了他們保護及為社區服務的神聖職責,我們別無選擇的要揭露他們的不良行為,試圖重新建立信任。 那將是Stephanie Everett在5月3日就職,成為新設的警察問責及透明辦公室(OPAT)主任後的優先要務之一。我已要求Everett律師調查這宗案件的流程。她將在45天內遞交一份計畫,來改革警察局的內部事務流程。我們不會羞於使用OPAT的權力來解決任何其他讓人關切的個案。
我和倖存者社區團結一致。做為市長,我誓言會盡我所能地來確保這種事不再發生。 Statement from Mayor Kim Janey on the Release
of Former Boston Police Officer Patrick Rose’s Internal Affairs File |
In releasing a redacted version of former Boston Police Officer Patrick Rose’s internal affairs file today, we seek to provide transparency and accountability around the internal affairs process in 1996, while upholding our legal obligation to protect the identities of victims of sexual violence and our moral responsibility to avoid retraumatizing them. In light of this goal, we are providing as much information to the public as possible about the circumstances surrounding the internal affairs investigation and how leadership at the time responded to the findings. Based on a review of former officer Rose’s internal affairs file conducted by the City’s Law Department, it is clear that previous leaders of the police department neglected their duty to protect and serve. Despite an internal affairs investigation in 1996 that found credible evidence to sustain the allegation against Rose for sexually assaulting a minor, it appears that the police department made no attempt to fire him. It is deeply unsettling and entirely unacceptable that Rose remained on the force for two decades and eventually became the president of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association. What’s more, Rose was allowed to have contact with young victims of sexual assault during the course of his career, and we now know that he allegedly went on to assault several other children. His alleged behavior is disgusting, and the apparent lack of leadership shown by the department at the time is extremely troubling. This culture of secrecy cannot be tolerated. When members of law enforcement violate their sacred duty to protect and serve the community, we have no choice but to expose their misconduct and attempt to rebuild trust. That work is among the highest priorities for Stephanie Everett when she begins her role as Executive Director of the newly created Office of Police Accountability and Transparency (OPAT) on May 3. I have asked Attorney Everett to investigate the process followed in this case. Within 45 days, she will deliver a plan for review and, as necessary, for reform of the police department’s internal affairs procedures. We will not shy away from using the powers of OPAT to address any other concerning cases that may come to light with the urgency they deserve. I stand together in
solidarity with the survivor community, and as Mayor I pledge to do
everything in my power to make sure this never happens again. |
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星期二, 4月 20, 2021
Patrick Rose內部調查報告今日公開 Kim Janey直言波市警局前任長官們忽視職責
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