星期四, 4月 15, 2021


            (Boston Orange昆士市報導) 麻州學校樓宇管理局(Massachusetts School Building Authority Board,簡稱MSBA)投票通過了,昆士市將可建造一所新的史昆頓(Squantum)小學。

這將是昆士市的第4個大型建校計畫,之前有昆士高中,中央中學,以及最近的西南中學(South-West Middle School)


昆士市第6區市議員William Harris表示,學校士史昆頓社區的基石,他為昆士市年輕人將有一座現代化的教育場所,感到很激動。

              昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)也感謝麻州財政廳廳長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg),代表昆士市的麻州參議員約翰基南(John Keenan),麻州眾議員Bruce Ayers,昆士市公校總監Kevin Mulvey,昆士學校委員會等人促成此事,直言新學校將容許昆士市更好的推廣藝術,數理,科技等科目。


Plans For New Squantum Elementary School Qualifies for State’s Building Program

QUINCY, MA April 14, 2021 – Plans for a new Squantum Elementary School today officially qualified for

the state’s school building program following a critical vote by the board that oversees school

construction across Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts School Building Authority Board of Directors voted unanimously at its regular

meeting on Wednesday to accept the City’s request, proposed by Mayor Thomas Koch and supported

by both the City Council and School Committee, to enroll in the program that provides millions of

dollars in state reimbursement for new school construction and major renovation projects.

The Squantum School is Quincy’s fourth major school project to qualify for the program, including most

recently the new South-West Middle School. That project followed the new Quincy High School and

Central Middle School projects. In addition, the City has partnered with MSBA on a series of door and

window projects at schools citywide. State reimbursements for those projects have ranged from 60 to

80 percent, saving local taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

“This project is vital to the future of Squantum and our City. We have an incredibly well-proven track

record in delivering transformational school projects together with the MSBA, and I think that gives the

Board of Directors a good deal of confidence in welcoming us once again into the program,” said

Mayor Koch. “I’m grateful for the ongoing partnership with Treasurer Goldberg, all of our colleagues at

the MSBA, and the tremendous efforts by Superintendent Mulvey and his team, the state delegation,

our City Councilors and the School Committee for getting us to this point. We have plenty of work

ahead, and I’m looking forward to it.”

Added Ward 6 City Councilor William Harris:

“This school is the cornerstone of the Squantum community, and I am thrilled we are now on our way

to providing the state-of-the-art educational facility that our young people very much deserve. I can

think of few higher priorities for myself as Ward Councilor than seeing this project through, and I look

forward to working directly with so many of our neighbors in Squantum as this process moves


In its proposal, the City and the Quincy Public Schools team noted that while the school has served the

community remarkably well since it opened in 1919 but a building of that age is extremely limited in

providing a 21st Century learning environment. Officials cited the need for technology-driven

curriculum, science laboratories, computer labs, and a library media center as components to be

included in any new building.

“I’m looking forward to working with the MSBA on the Eligibility Phase of the Squantum Elementary

School project,” said Superintendent Kevin Mulvey. “Thanks to the support of Quincy’s state legislative

delegation, Mayor Koch, the City Council, and School Committee, we have an opportunity to build a

state-of-the art facility to benefit all of the students who attend the school, both from the

neighborhood and the citywide Special Education program students. A new building will enhance the

outstanding educational opportunities provided by the dedicated staff and administrators at Squantum

Elementary School and will also be an important resource for the local community.”

The project now enters an elaborate process guided by the MSBA, which starts with meeting eligibility

requirements showing the City can finance and manage a project of this magnitude. Officials expressed

a high degree of confidence on moving through that phase based on the City’s history of successful

school projects. From there, the project moves onto a feasibility study that determines the full scope of

needs before a final project agreement, reimbursement rate, and schedule is voted on the MSBA


Said State Senator John Keenan:

"I wish to thank the School Building Authority, its Board and team, and Treasurer Goldberg for

advancing the Squantum School project through the process, and congratulate my colleagues in

government - Representative Ayers, Mayor Koch, the City Council, Superintendent Mulvey and his

team, and the School Committee - for their hard work in laying the groundwork for what will be a

modern school in another of Quincy’s great neighborhoods. Generations of students will benefit,

proving that government works best when it works together.”

Added State Representative Bruce Ayers

“The city designated rebuilding the Squantum School as a priority a few years ago, and this morning

our advocacy paid off,” said State Representative Bruce Ayers. “I was proud to testify in support of the

city's proposal at the MSBA's board meeting. With this partnership, we can finally begin to replace a

facility that is over 100 years old and hasn’t been renovated in decades. A new building will help the

great educators at Squantum School bring their programs into the 21st century of education. This

project will allow for technology integration, greater investment in the arts, and more emphasis on

STEM learning, all thanks to a facility equipped with the tools necessary for students to reach their

maximum potential. The residents of Squantum take a lot of pride in their community, and now they

are one big step closer to having an elementary school facility they can be proud of as well.”
