星期四, 4月 15, 2021

政府如何運作 一次免費課程

             (Boston Orange)麻州亞美局(AAC)和麻州論壇(Commonwealth Seminar)合作,將於4月24日(週六)中午12點至下午3點半,在臉書及Zoom上舉辦一次免費課程,解說麻州政府如何運作,立法流程,期以協助亞裔社區領袖更有效的為社區服務,或參選公職。


Join the Asian American Commission and the Commonwealth Seminar for a 1-day session on April 24 from 12-3:30!  It will be an intensive training session focused on teaching Asian American leaders how the legislative process really works. By giving an insiders' view of the process, our goal is to encourage diverse leaders to become effective advocates and to pursue careers in public service.

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