
星期三, 12月 13, 2023

僑委會擴大海外華語文布局,發布 2024 年「臺灣華語文學習中心」 新設置名單

 僑委會擴大海外華語文布局,發布 2024 年「臺灣華語文學習中心」 新設置名單

(Boston Orange)僑委會日前發布明(2024)年 21 所「臺灣華語文學習中心」新設置 名單,包含美國 14 所、義大利 2 所及英國、比利時、西班牙、波 蘭、荷蘭各 1 所。

僑委會表示,為擴大經營海外華語文市場,分享具臺灣特色的正體華 語文教學,僑委會訂定「海外華語文學習深耕計畫」以美國及歐洲為 主要地區,運用僑民與僑教網絡成立「臺灣華語文學習中心(Taiwan Center for Mandarin LearningTCML)」,招收當地社區母語非華 語的族裔人士,3 年來已有超過 5000 人次學習華語,展現具體的推 動成效。

今年海外僑校(團)踴躍申請新設置「臺灣華語文學習中心」,經僑 委會召開審查會議,考量整體華語文市場布局、區域代表性及經營能 力等因素,共核准美國聖迪瑪斯慈濟人文學校、聖地牙哥中華學苑、 愛恩中文學校、天樂語文學校、慈濟聖馬刁人文學校、華府慈濟人文 學校、慈濟長島教育中心、匹茲堡慈濟人文學校、平原中華文化中 心、休士頓臺灣松年學院、達拉斯光華中文學校、佛光山達拉斯人文 學校、阿肯色州臺灣同鄉會、臺塑中文學校、義大利臺灣交流協會、 臺灣在義大利文化協會、英國臺灣佛教慈濟基金會英國聯絡處、比利 時華語協會、西班牙馬德里華僑學校、波蘭臺灣文化語言交流協會、 荷蘭南荷台灣(廠商)聯誼會等 21 所僑校(團)於明年新成立「臺灣 華語文學習中心」。

僑委會自 2021 年試辦「臺灣華語文學習中心設置計畫」,至 2023 已設立 66 所,分布於美國 54 所,英國、德國及法國各 2 所,另奧地 利、愛爾蘭、瑞典、匈牙利、捷克及比利時各 1 所,2024 年將再有 21 所加入,臺灣華語文學習中心推廣體系將更加完整。

近年各地臺灣華語文學習中心課程已陸續吸引當地企業、政府合作開 班授課,相關成果獲得美國在臺協會(AIT)的肯定與支持,期盼透 過臺灣華語文學習中心將臺灣華語文之美推廣至海外各地,深入歐美 主流社區分享臺灣華語文教育,不僅提供主流社會成年人士學習具臺 灣特色華語文的機會,並邀請學華語之歐美青年到臺灣參加青年營 隊、語文班、觀摩團與英語服務營,更直接體驗臺灣的文化與生活, 藉此推動雙向文化交流和語言學習,也協助達成「2030 雙語政策」 之目標。

The Overseas Community Affairs Council Expands the Overseas Network of Mandarin Teaching and Announces the 2024 List of Newly Established “Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML)” The Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan) (OCAC) recently released the list of 21 new establishments of “Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML)” for the upcoming year (2024). The list includes 14 centers in the United States, 2 in Italy, and 1 each in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Poland, and the Netherlands. The OCAC has stated that, to expand its presence in the overseas Mandarin learning market and share the distinctive features of Mandarin teaching in Taiwan, it has formulated the “Overseas Mandarin Learning Cultivation Plan.” The primary focus is the United States and Europe. Leveraging the networks of overseas compatriot communities and educators, the OCAC has set up the TCMLs worldwide. These TCMLs aim to enroll individuals from non-Mandarin-speaking backgrounds in the local communities, and over the past three years, the centers have attracted over 5,000 participants, demonstrating tangible progress in promoting Mandarin learning. This year, overseas compatriot schools and organizations enthusiastically applied for the establishment of new TCML. After convening a review meeting, a total of twenty-one applications were approved, including Tzu Chi Academy, San Dimas, San Diego Chinese Academy, EFCI Chinese School, San Mateo County Chinese School, Tzu Chi Academy, San Mateo, Tzu Chi Academy, Washington D. C., Tzu Chi Long Island Education Center, Pittsburgh Tzu Chi Academy, Plainview Chinese Learning center Inc, Houston Taiwan Institute for Senior Citizens (HTISC), Sun Ray Chinese School, Buddha's Light Private School, Little Rock Chinese School, Formosa Plastics Chinese School from the United States, Associazione Taiwan e Italia (ATI), Associazione Culturale Taiwanesi in Italia from Italy, Taiwan Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation UK Limited from the United Kingdom, Taiwan Mandarin Association in Belgium from Belgium, Asociación Cultural Educativa de los chinos de ultramar en Madrid from Spain, Taiwan Culture and Language Exchange Association from Poland and Taiwan Business Families in the South Netherlands from the Netherlands. The OCAC initiated the “Establishment Program for Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning” in 2021. By 2023, 66 centers have been set up across 54 locations in the United States, 2 each in the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, and 1 each in Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Belgium. In 2024, an additional 21 centers will be added, enhancing the comprehensive promotion system of Taiwan’s Mandarin learning. In recent years, Taiwan Mandarin learning courses around the world have attracted local businesses and governments for various collaborations. The relevant achievements have also received recognition and support from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). The aim is to promote the beauty of Mandarin globally through these TCMLs, engaging with mainstream communities in Europe and America, and actively sharing Taiwan's Mandarin learning education. This initiative not only provides opportunities for adult learners in these mainstream communities to learn Mandarin with Taiwanese characteristics but also invites young learners of TCML from Europe and America to participate in Language Study Program, Taiwan Study Tour, English Teaching Volunteer Service Program for Overseas Youth in Taiwan. These approaches allow learners to directly experience Taiwanese culture and life, promoting mutual cultural exchange and language learning. These activities also contribute to achieving the goal of the “Bilingual 2030.” 
