
星期四, 11月 02, 2023

波士頓龍鳳酒樓預定明年初復業 華埠居民會提醒11月7日出席投票

                 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠居民會111日在網路召開月會,居民們擔憂街道安全、巷弄清靜受影響,停車位會被佔用,2項牌照申請案竟討論了一個半小時有多。


                     龍鳳酒樓的娛樂牌照申請案由梅沛傑及代表律師Michael Barone, Jr. (RIW)負責說明,梅清嫣做補充解釋。他們在會議中出示多張簡報圖片,說明龍鳳酒樓的地理位置,裝修後的樓面佈置,將把餐飲區轉為移至面向泰勒街等。





梅沛傑還說明,為了這一申請牌照事宜,他們已出席過每月第一個星期三舉行的華埠治安會議,1016日舉行的華埠社區議會 (CNC) 會議,也和波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)晤談過,警察們和Flynn議長都很支持,警方也認為過去這麼多年來和龍鳳酒樓合作關係良好。







              華人前進會鄺寶蓮接著提醒居民們,波士頓市即將於117日辦理本年度的市級選舉,投票站從早上7點開至晚上8點,華埠居民的投票站仍是王氏青年中心 (Wang YMCA),堡壘村、南端居民的投票站是在天滿街539號的波士頓美術學院。

                         華埠居民會主持人之一鄺寶蓮並再次通知居民們,在1030日至1110日的晚上8點至凌晨6點之間,塔芙茨大學生醫研究及公共衛生中心大樓維修屋頂,泰勒街 (Tyler)上將禁止停車,為聊以補償居民,將以先到先得方式,在乞臣街51號為持有華埠居民停車證民眾提供12個停車位。 (更新版)

中華公所世紀盃乒乓球賽 安良、聯合隊奪雙冠軍

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所和波士頓安良工商會、波士頓華僑協會合作的乒乓球賽,,102930,在中華公所禮堂激戰兩日後,因競比到晚上11點都還未能進入真正的冠亞軍賽,主辦單位商議後,以雙冠軍、雙季軍方式總結。



波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (左起)頒發冠軍獎給聯合隊的李川長,



波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (右起)頒發季軍獎給牛頓中文學校的盧子英、
                          目前在亞馬遜做機械人研究的呂恩瑄,平日在尚莫維爾市 (Somerville)的另一個乒乓球會打乒乓球,認識了去年也在冠軍隊的杜國太,應邀加入,也成為當晚參賽者中唯一來自臺灣的隊員。


波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (左起)和紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝、


中華公所麾下的乒乓球協會,每週一、二、四的晚上在中華公所禮堂,拉開4張球桌對打。查詢詳情,可洽中華公所或梅宇國617- 818 2973

   (僑務電子報:    https://ocacnews.net/article/354120

星期三, 11月 01, 2023

麻州長Healey上 Amherst 廣告週知40億元可負擔家宅法案可建4萬新屋

  Governor Healey Highlights Affordable Homes Act in Worcester and Amherst 

Largest housing investment in state history will unlock creation of 40,000 new homes statewide 


AMHERST – Today, Governor Maura T. Healey visited housing developments in Worcester and Amherst to highlight her $4 billion Affordable Homes Act that proposes revolutionary investments in housing throughout Massachusetts. This package of spending, policy and programmatic actions will help drive housing production, housing preservation and invest in the state’s housing safety net system.   


This historic package tackles the housing crisis head on to help make Massachusetts more affordable and accessible in every region – from Amherst to Worcester to the Cape. It will spur the creation, preservation and modernization of nearly 70,000 housing units and gives communities the tools they need to enact local solutions to their housing challenges,” said Governor Healey. "We need to meet this moment by increasing housing production and lowering costs so people can continue to live, work and build a future in Massachusetts.” 


As a former Mayor, I know how important it is that we make our housing sector more affordable for growing families and workers so they are able to stay here in Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. The Affordable Homes Act addresses our housing shortage and will bring costs down, making life in Massachusetts more affordable for all.” 


“Housing costs are the number one issue facing Massachusetts families. When the governor created the new Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, she gave us a clear charge: Build more housing and build it faster – drive down those housing costs,” said Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus. “The Affordable Homes Act will empower communities to tackle rising housing costs and ensure the next generation can continue to call places like Worcester and Amherst home.” 


In Worcester, Governor Healey and local officials toured the Courthouse Lofts, a mixed-income redeveloped property with 118 units in Downtown Worcester that preserved its significant historic exterior. The building is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood and was formerly used as the Worcester County Courthouse, which closed in 2007. The project was financed through local, state, and federal resources, including the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Housing Stabilization Fund – two programs that would be expanded by the Affordable Homes Act. 


“I am beyond thrilled that Governor Healey has put forward a plan to kickstart the production of new homes and modernize existing ones across Massachusetts,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The Commonwealth’s housing crisis is being felt by everyone, but especially in communities in my district like Worcester where long-time renters are being priced out of their homes because there are simply not enough units to meet demand. While the reasons for our housing crunch are nuanced, one of the most straightforward ways we can help alleviate this burden is by reducing scarcity through building more homes – be it single family, townhomes, apartments, or condos. The Governor’s proposal is a great first step – I am hopeful that the Legislature will quickly come together with the Healey Administration to make sure everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home, regardless of income.” 


“Although I was unable to attend today’s visit from Governor Healey, I’m grateful and excited for the Housing Bond Bill. Affordable housing paramount to the continued success of the City of Worcester, and I look forward to seeing what comes from this new investment,” said Mayor of Worcester Joseph Petty. 


“Thank you to the Healey-Driscoll Administration, and Housing Secretary Augustus, for their bold leadership to address the Commonwealth’s housing challenges, and for their ongoing support of Worcester and Central Massachusetts,” said Worcester City Manager Eric D. Batista. “The Affordable Homes Act will spark more affordable housing, sustainable development, and opportunities for residents of all socioeconomic status.” 

In Amherst, the Governor toured the East Gables Studio Apartment Complexwhich provides 28 units of permanent supportive housing in walking distance to downtown and with access to public transportation, bike trails and green space. It was supported in part by the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Housing Innovation Fund, which would both be expanded under Governor Healey’s bill. After the tour, the Governor participated in a roundtable with local leaders to discuss the region’s housing needs.  


"I'm delighted to join Governor Maura Healey, Secretary Ed Augustus, and Representative Mindy Domb as we engage deeply with Amherst leaders on issues of affordable housing, equity, and the intersection of climate,” said Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton). “Amherst has long led the way on these critical issues. I'm heartened that the Administration is making it a priority to engage with the town’s housing leaders in light of its powerful Housing Bond Bill proposal, as it's essential that this legislation works for western Massachusetts." 


"I’m excited that Governor Healey and her housing team have created this opportunity to visit Amherst and see what we have been able to achieve and learn about our housing hopes for the future, as a community committed to supporting and producing housing for all. This includes the town’s plans to build a regional homeless shelter, its continued dedication to produce affordable housing units and affordable home ownership opportunities,” said Representative Mindy Domb. “And, we’re doing all of this while meeting the town’s ambitious climate goals. I’m proud to show Governor Healey and her administration how our community says ‘yes’ and ‘more’ to housing. I’m honored to share the housing pressures we experience and to advocate for the tools Amherst and other communities need to respond to our housing crisis.” 


We appreciate the visit by Governor Healey and Secretary Augustus to Amherst and for taking the time to visit our exciting new development East Gables. We are proud the Governor recognizes the great work the town is doing to create a wide range of housing opportunities,” said Amherst Town Manager Paul Bockelman. “More importantly, I want to commend the Governor for her strong, groundbreaking initiative, the Affordable Homes Act. Housing is a critical need in our region. This comprehensive list of proposals will provide the tools we need – such as tax credits, administrative improvements, and actual funding – to create more housing that is affordableThe Town of Amherst will take advantage of many of the proposals in the Act, such as funds for supportive housing services that are not funded through any other sources. The Governor and her administration walk the talk when it comes to increasing the supply and affordability of housing.” 


If enacted, the Affordable Homes Act would be the largest housing investment in state history to comprehensively create, preserve and modernize housing across the state. This builds on the housing investments in the tax cuts package that Governor Healey signed into law last month, including: 

· Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) – increases annual program cap from $10 million to $57 million in 2023, and thereafter to $30 million annually 

· Rental deduction – increases rental deduction cap from $3,000 to $4,000. 

· Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit – Doubles the credit, from $1,200 to $2,400 for low-income seniors to help minimizes their taxes.  

· Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) – increases annual program cap from $40 million to $60 million 

· Estate Tax – Increases the threshold from $1 million to $2 million with a credit that mitigates the cliff effect. This change brings Massachusetts more in line with other states and keeps pace with the rising value of homes in communities across the state. This reform will allow seniors to pass on generational wealth, making it more attractive to retire and age in Massachusetts and for families to stay geographically close. 

波士頓學校委員會明年有2席出缺 11/17日截止申請

              (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 111日公佈,學校委員會有任期從202414日至202811日的2個席位出缺,即日起至20231117日接受申請。



                 查詢相關訊息或繳交完整的申請表,可發電郵到 scnominatingpanel@boston.gov ,或寄信到波士頓市政府大樓5樓的市長辦公室。


This application is to fill the seats on the Boston School Committee that will be vacant starting January 4, 2024

BOSTON - Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu today opened the application to fill two upcoming vacancies on the Boston School Committee, for a term starting January 4, 2024 and ending on January 1, 2028. The Boston School Committee Nominating Panel, composed of Boston Public Schools (BPS) families, educators, school leaders and representatives of the business and higher education communities, will receive and evaluate the applications and share recommendations with the Mayor. The Boston School Committee is the governing body of the BPS.

Applications to fill the upcoming vacancies are due Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Interviews for selected candidates will be held on the week of November 27, 2023 in the late afternoon or early evening. Candidates must be Boston residents and should expect a significant time commitment to connect with school departments and leaders and prepare for and attend biweekly and impromptu meetings that run into late hours in the evening.

The School Committee is responsible for:

  • Defining the vision, mission, and goals of the Boston Public Schools;
  • Establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget;
  • Hiring, managing, and evaluating the Superintendent; and
  • Setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.  

The School Committee meets approximately twice per month during the school year to adopt, review and modify policies and practices that support teaching, learning and improved student achievement. With the exception of executive sessions, Committee meetings are open to the public, feature public comment periods and are broadcast on Boston City TV.  

Please direct all questions and submit completed applications to scnominatingpanel@boston.gov or to City Hall, Mayor’s Office 5th floor Boston, MA. You can learn more about the Boston School Committee online.

波士頓市長吳弭匯報清理美沙酮英里概況 ( 市府視頻)


            (Boston Orange 綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 在發佈限時拆除帳棚令生效的第一天,111日一早10點多,來到「美沙酮英里 (Mass & Cass) 」的Atkinson街,視察禁令實施效果,向市民大眾重申,市府絕不放棄,繼續努力安置流民,維護地方治安。





             波士頓市由Tania Del Rio率領的外展工作團隊,以及市府的非牟利機構合作夥伴,1030日就已經開始和「美沙酮英里」內的大約80~90個流民逐一接觸,洽談,協助他們做好拆除帳棚,另覓庇護所床位等居留地點或治療中心的準備。

               波士頓警察估計,截至今日 (111) 中午,在Atkinson街上,大約只剩下不到5個帳棚還沒拆。波士頓市府人員及警察表示,他們盡量避免採取強制手段,在沒有提供地方或緊急庇護所床位之前,不會逼任何人離開。



                        波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)今日中午特地為此事發出聲明,表示今早他也親自去到「美沙酮英里」,和市府工作人員、警察、非牟利組織、遊民分別洽談,強調波士頓市府將維持「零容忍」政策,公安必須維持在優先地位。他認為在處理遊民及吸毒上癮問題上,州市政府,甚至新英格蘭地區都應該攜手合作,紮營、架帳篷不是選項。

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu hosts a media availability to share an update on the City’s response to the intersecting crises of substance use disorder, mental health, and unsheltered homelessness crises centered at the area of Melnea Cass Boulevard and Massachusetts Avenue.

波士頓榮光會2023大會 慶榮民節紀念國父先總統誕辰

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓榮光會1028日在紐英崙中華公所會議廳舉行112年度會員大會,同時慶祝第45屆榮民節,紀念國父孫中山及先總統蔣介石誕辰,為10月及11月出生的會員慶生,吃蛋糕、唱歌、開會,還歡迎新會員周世美。


榮光會理事張韻蘭 (左起) 向僑教中心主任潘昭榮介紹新會員周世美。(周菊子攝)
              鄭增壽先感謝所有會員及理事,支持他出任第18屆理事長,接著帶出席會員們重溫波士頓榮光會成立於民國76 (1987) 4月,次年9月取得麻州非牟利機構資格,並從民國78 (1989) 4月開始派代表出席紐英崙中華公所,參與社區服務的歷史,以及該會於19922001年間陸續修訂章程,設有理事會、監事會的組織架構,介紹該會理監事會成員,各組組長,介紹當天入會,曾任科技公司高管的新會員周世美。





              波士頓榮光會以前用做會址的世界書局已經關門,當天無異議通過,追認今年7月常務理事會在視訊會議中通過的決議,把會址更改為郵箱(p.o. Box 80578, Stoneham,MA 02180 U.S. A)





 (僑務電子報:  https://ocacnews.net/article/353948)