(Boston Orange) 波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn)和不分區市議員Michael Flaherty提案,訂4月4日 (週二)下午2點,在波士頓市政府大樓5樓的Iannella室,就市內的路燈、橋樑及其他公共基礎設施的安全性,召開公聽會。
去年9月一名路人在南波士頓水前區,經過Evelyn Moakley橋時,被突然坍塌的路燈砸傷後,前述2名市議員就已經提案要召開公聽會。
這場公聽會將在Xfinity 8/RCN 82/ Fios 964等頻道,以及波士頓市政府的 boston.gov/city-council-tv頻道上直播。
查詢詳情可洽波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn的辦公室,電話617-635-3203,電郵Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov。
Council President Flynn and Councilor Flaherty to Hold Hearing on Safety of Light Poles, Bridges & Public Infrastructure on April 4th
BOSTON - In January this year, City Council President Ed Flynn and Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty refiled a hearing order to discuss the safety of light poles, bridges, and other public infrastructure in the City of Boston. The hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 4th at 2 pm at the Boston City Council Iannella Chamber. Residents are encouraged to participate and testify in person or via videoconference by reaching out to shane.pac@boston.gov. The hearing will be broadcasted live on Xfinity 8/RCN 82/ Fios 964 and streamed at: boston.gov/city-council-tv.
This hearing was originally filed in September last year, when a pedestrian crossing the Evelyn Moakley Bridge in the South Boston Waterfront was struck and injured by a falling light pole. At the time, the Public Works Department swiftly inspected all city bridges in the area and removed 23 of the light poles that were deemed not completely satisfactory, with two additional poles having already been previously removed. It is critical that the city continues to ensure our city’s public infrastructure is safe and structurally sound, and there are routine inspections and systems in place for maintenance and repair.
“Unfortunately, this incident shed light on our aging infrastructure, light poles, and bridges - especially against the harsh New England weather, sea air and salt water.” Council President Flynn said. “Councilor Flaherty and I look forward to receiving an update from our city and state partners on the inspection and audit of all light poles, bridges, and public infrastructure, and any relevant plans to make all necessary repairs in a timely manner. We must work with our bridge engineers and design consultants to prevent an incident like this from happening again.”
Councilor At-Large Flaherty said, “We, as a city, have a responsibility to make sure that we regularly inspect roads, bridges, light poles and street signs as a matter of public safety. We live in New England and our area is subject to harsh weather conditions that tend to deteriorate building materials and fixtures quicker than other places.”
For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov.