
星期六, 4月 22, 2023

麻州州長奚莉稱最高法院暫緩德州法官決定 麻州保護 Mifepristone及墮胎自由

                    (Boston Orange 編譯) 在最高法院暫緩德州聯邦法院法官阻止聯邦藥品管理局 (FDA)批准墮胎藥Mifepristone的決定後,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 發出聲明,強調Mifepristone仍然安全,合法,而且可以取得。




Governor Healey Responds to Supreme Court Order: Mifepristone Remains Safe, Legal and Available  


BOSTON – Following a Supreme Court order staying a Texas federal court judge’s decision that had blocked FDA approval of the medication abortion drug mifepristone, Governor Healey issued a statement emphasizing that mifepristone remains safe, legal and available. Last week, Governor Healey announced that Massachusetts had stockpiled thousands of doses of mifepristone and signed an Executive Order confirming protections for medication abortion under existing state law. 


"Mifepristone remains safe, legal and available in the United States. Today’s Supreme Court order is a victory for patients and providers across the country – a victory for science, medicine and the law. However, we never should have gotten to this point. Mifepristone has been used safely and effectively for decades and it is the gold standard in medication abortion. Its approval from the FDA never should have been called into question by one extreme, Trump-appointed judge in Texas,” said Governor Maura Healey. “ 

While today’s ruling ensures that mifepristone continues to remain legal and accessible across the country, we know that the next attack on reproductive freedom is just around the corner. Patients and providers should know that, in Massachusetts, we have their backs. We’ll continue to stand for civil rights and freedom, and we will always protect access to reproductive health care, including medication abortion.” 
