
星期五, 4月 07, 2023


           (Boston Orange編譯) 在聯邦法院就Hippocratic醫學聯盟訴美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA)一案作出裁決,中止FDA 對流產藥物米非司酮 (mifepristone)的批准後,麻州州長 奚莉 (Maura T. Healey) 承諾立即採取行動,以保護麻州居民獲得醫療服務的機會。

奚莉州長將於410 (週一) 下午和州府官員及倡議者一起舉行新聞發布會,概述麻州政府的計劃。

“藥物流產是安全、有效、合法的。人們已安全使用米非司酮 20 多年,那已成了金標準。 這是極端分子在全國範圍內禁止墮胎的又一次嘗試。 但我們已準備好立即採取行動,以保護獲得這種重要藥物的機會,”奚莉州長說。 “麻州的患者將繼續拿得到米非司酮。 我們支持公民權利和自由,我們將始終保護獲得生育醫療護理的機會。”

Governor Healey Pledges Immediate Action to Protect Access to Medication Abortion in Massachusetts 

Press conference planned for 1 pm on Monday April 10 on the steps of the Massachusetts State House 

BOSTON – Following a federal court ruling in the case of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food & Drug Administration that stayed FDA approval of the medication abortion drug mifepristone, Governor Maura T. Healey is pledging to take immediate action to protect access to care in Massachusetts. The Governor will hold a press conference with advocates and officials on Monday afternoon to outline her administration’s plan.  

“Medication abortion is safe, effective and legal. Mifepristone has been used safely for more than 20 years and is the gold standard. This is yet another attempt by extremists to ban abortion nationwide. But we are prepared to take immediate action to protect access to this important medication,” said Governor Healey. “Patients in Massachusetts will continue to have access to mifepristone. We stand for civil rights and freedom, and we will always protect access to reproductive health care.” 
