
星期四, 4月 27, 2023

波士頓市5月2日辦特別選舉 改選2名眾議員

               (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合編譯) 波士頓市將於52 (週二),為薩福克 (Suffolk)9,第10這兩個選區辦理眾議員補選。在波士頓市的252個投票站中,只有39個投票站將為這特別選舉辦理投票,從早上7點開門,傍晚8點停止投票。

              在麻州的160名眾議員中,有17人代表波士頓市。這次辦理特別選舉是因為2019年當選為第9區眾議員Jon Santiago在今年3月被麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 徵召,出任麻州退伍軍人事務廳廳長;2010年當選,連任至今的第10區眾議員Edward F. Coppinger2月時辭職,轉任麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio) 的政府事務主管。

              Jon Santiago是在波多黎各 (Puerto Rico) Mayagüez出生的移民,獲有德州奧斯汀大學生物學及宗教研究學士學位,以及西雅圖華盛頓大學公共衛生碩士學位。期間曾參加和平部隊當志工,也是美國陸軍儲備軍官,曾2度派往海外。2021年十,他還一度參選波士頓市市長。

              Edward F. Coppinger住在西洛士百利,原本在貸款業工作,2010年當選為麻州眾議員,並連任至今。8年前,當查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 競選麻州州長時,他打破黨派界線,支持查理貝克。去年的麻州州長選舉,他常和如今的副州長Kim Driscoll同台,同時支持Kim Driscoll Maura Healey

              波士頓市選務局今 (27)日提醒選民,52日有特別選舉,查察投票站,可上網https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/files/file/2023/04/POLLING%20LOCATIONS%20BOOK%20-%202023-05-02-2023%20-%20Special%20State%20Primary.pdf



BOSTON - Thursday, April 27, 2023 -The City of Boston’s Election Department is reminding voters in the 9th and 10th Suffolk Representative Districts that the upcoming Special State Primary Elections to fill the vacancies following the resignations of Representatives Edward F. Coppinger and Jon Santiago will take place on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Polling locations open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Only 39 of Boston’s 252 precincts will participate in this election. A full list of polling locations can be found here.


Voters who requested a vote by mail ballot are encouraged to return their ballots early to ensure that they are counted.  

Ballots may be returned using one of eight drop-box locations in the City; in-person at the Boston Election Department located at City Hall Room 241; or via U.S. Mail. All drop boxes will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Voters are asked to please use the postage paid return envelope included with the ballot package. Ballots must reach the Boston Election Department or a ballot drop box by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May, 2nd to be counted. 

Ballots cannot be delivered to a polling location on Election Day. 

Voters can track the status of requests for vote-by-mail ballots here. If there is no movement indicated in the “Track My Ballot” system, voters should plan to vote in-person on Election Day. 

Voting on Election Day  

As a reminder, voters should check their registration status via the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. Boston’s ballots are available in English and Spanish across all precincts within the 9th and 10th State Representative districts and in Chinese and Vietnamese if requested. All voting locations are ADA accessible and are equipped with AutoMark Voting Terminals for voters with visual or language disabilities. 

Polling Location Change 

Voters in Ward 20 Precincts 6, 7 and 19 will return to their previous voting location at Holy Name Parish Hall, 535 West Roxbury Parkway. The voter entrance is located off Centre Street and Greaton Road and voting will take place in the gymnasium. 

Voters in Ward 20 Precinct 20 will continue to vote at the BCYF Roche Community Center gymnasium, 1716 Centre St. 
