
星期一, 4月 24, 2023

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn提議成立防治鼠患辦公室

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn) 提議成立害蟲防治辦公室 (Office of Pest Control) ,預定本週三在市議會的週會中要求就此提議召開公聽會。

愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn)辦公室指出,自從新冠病毒疫情爆發以來,由於更多人在家開伙,市內看到更多老鼠四竄,居民們的生活品質大受影響,市議員們接到的這方面抱怨也最多,如何防治,已成波士頓各地居民最關心的問題。

愛德華費林最近和市議員Liz   Breadon,Cabriela   Coletta,以及波士頓市稽查局 (ISD) ,公共工程局 (DPW) ,以及法規執行小組討論過解決這問題的多管齊下方式,提出了設立害蟲防治辦公室的構想。

愛德華費霖表示,儘管市府的稽核局   (ISP) 和公共工程局  (DPW)  2個部門一直都做得很好,但波士頓市需要額外資源,並在市府內有個特定單位及人士來承擔這方面的責任,並有權處理所有防治蟲害或鼠患等相關事務。

愛德華費霖指出,他密切關注紐約市的齧齒動物防治計畫(rodent control plans) ,也和吳弭市長談過成立這辦公室的想法。他認為這個辦公室的責任有很大一部分將是外展教育,並和幾個市府部門,居民及社區協會合作,以處理這公共衛生緊急狀況。

查詢更多資訊,可洽波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn辦公室,617-635-3203Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov 

Council President Flynn Calls For Office of Pest Control in the City of Boston

BOSTON -  In a key effort to tackle the persisting issue of rats in the City of Boston, Council President Flynn is calling for a hearing on the creation of an Office of Pest Control to lead rodent mitigation operations. This follows a recent hearing in which Councilors Flynn, Breadon, Coletta and city officials at the Inspectional Services Department, Public Works and Code Enforcement discussed the City’s multi-pronged approach towards tackling pest control. Council President Flynn will introduce this hearing order at this week’s Boston City Council meeting.

Since the pandemic, pest control has become a major quality of life issue for residents as food sources moved from restaurants directly to residents’ homes, as well as an uptick of reports of rodent activity and sightings to the city. At the hearing, the Councilors noted that this issue of pest control has become a top constituent complaint across neighborhoods in Boston. 

“We have to step up our efforts to address this serious public health and quality of life issue," said Council President Flynn. “While I commend the Public Works and Inspectional Services team for the great work that they are already doing, we need additional resources and to designate one point person in the City that has overall responsibility and authority on all matters relating to rats and pest control. The creation of an Office of Pest Control would provide the attention and oversight that our neighbors and taxpayers deserve to oversee the City’s rodent mitigation efforts.”

Council President Flynn noted that he is following the development of New York City’s rodent control plans closely and that he has spoken with Mayor Wu’s administration about the creation of a pest control office. Council President Flynn envisions that the responsibilities of this position would in large part include educational outreach, as well as collective coordination with several municipal departments, residents and neighborhood associations to address this public health emergency.

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov
