星期日, 6月 25, 2023

Huntington劇院"雷曼三兄弟" 加演6場

Steven Skybell, Firdous Bamji, Joshua David Robinson; photo by Nile Hawver
           (Boston Orange) 亨廷頓 (Huntington) 劇院推出,2022年贏得東尼獎最佳舞台劇的雷曼三部曲 (The Lehman Trilogy) ,因廣受好評,將從7 23 日(週日)起,在亨廷頓劇院(264 Huntington Ave )加演6場。


《雷曼三部曲》是一齣關於家庭、野心和風險,有著史詩般故事的舞台劇,橫跨 163 年歷史,聚焦於改變了世界的雷曼兄弟家族,以及公司的輝煌興衰,由 Stefano Massini 創作,Ben Power 改編成英語,並由美國音樂學院劇院榮譽藝術總監 Carey Perloff 執導。

                          這齣戲全場只有三名演員和一名音樂家,講述雷曼三兄弟以及他們的兒子和孫子,從貧窮到富有再到破產的生命旅程。那是1840 年代,一名巴伐利亞移民來到阿拉巴馬州,夢想著要讓家人過上更好生活。到2000年代初,他的後代引發了前所未有的金融災難。在非凡的故事講述中,這傑出劇作既是關於一個家庭的私密傳奇,也有如里程碑般的揭露了資本主義的肆無忌憚。

Firdous Bamji, Steven Skybell, Joshua David Robinson; photo by T. Charles Erickson.
亨廷頓製作的《雷曼三部曲》是第一部源自美國並由美國導演執導的作品。 珀洛夫對這部作品的獨特設想包括馬克·貝內特 (Mark Bennett) 的全新配樂,以及莎拉·布朗 (Sara Brown) 的充滿活力場景設計,其中的木箱讓人想起用於儲存和運輸棉花的容器,而棉花是雷曼兄弟財富的原始來源。

《雷曼三部曲》已被翻譯成 24 種語言,並在國際間獲得了評論家和觀眾的一致好評:《紐約時報》稱讚《雷曼三部曲》是“真正的史詩”, 它的範疇和活力讓人離場時仍感餘波盪漾” 《好萊塢報導》稱其為“最激動人心……令人驚嘆!”截止日( Deadline) 稱其為“傑作。 這是一個奇蹟,也是對戲劇可能性的引人入勝展示。” 倫敦《衛報》稱其為“令人震驚”。 這是一部關於美國夢定義轉變的親密史詩。”

                             這部榮獲托尼獎的舞台劇先後於2013 年在法國, 2015 年在意大利首演,英文改編版於 2018 年在倫敦國家劇院首演,隨後於 2019 年春季在紐約公園大道軍械庫 (Armory) 上演。在新冠病毒導致延遲後,這部國家劇院作品在百老匯(2021 9 月至 2022 1 月)和洛杉磯(2022 3 月至 4 月)做了短期演出。 斯特凡諾·馬西尼還將該劇改編成小說,由理查德·迪克森 (Richard Dixon)翻譯成英文,並於 2020 年出版。



 Audiences are cheering The Huntington’s production of the 2022 Tony-Winner for Best Play,now running through July 23 at The Huntington Theatre 

(BOSTON) – The Huntington announces their acclaimed production of The Lehman Trilogy will extend, now running through Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). Six additional performances have been added due to overwhelming demand from audiences. 

The Lehman Trilogy is an epic and timely story of family, ambition, and risk, sprawling across 163 years of history and shining a calculating spotlight on the spectacular rise and fall of the Lehman Brothers, a family and a company that changed the world. Captivating theatergoers, the 2022 Tony Award-winning Best Play is by Stefano Massini, adapted to English by Ben Power, and directed by artistic director emeritus of American Conservatory Theater Carey Perloff. 

Performed entirely by three actors and one musician, the story follows the original three Lehman brothers, then their sons and grandsons, as they journey from rags to riches to ruin. In 1840s Alabama, a Bavarian immigrant dreams of a better life for his family. By the early 2000s, his descendants trigger unprecedented financial disaster. In a marvel of storytelling, this extraordinary piece of theatre is both an intimate saga about a family and a monumental exposé of unbridled capitalism. 

The Huntington’s production of The Lehman Trilogy is the first to originate in the US and be directed by an American director. Perloff’s unique vision for the production includes a new, sweeping score by Mark Bennett, and a dynamic scenic design by Sara Brown that features wooden crates reminiscent of the containers used to store and ship cotton, the original source of the Lehman brothers’ wealth. 

The Lehman Trilogy has been translated into 24 languages and has received international acclaim from both critics and audiences: The New York Times praised The Lehman Trilogy as “genuinely epic. You’re left reeling by the scope and vitality of it.” The Hollywood Reporter called it “most thrilling...breathtaking!” Deadline called it, “A masterpiece. A miracle and a spellbinding demonstration of theatre’s possibilities.” And London’s The Guardian called it, “astonishing. An intimate epic about the shifting definition of the American Dream.” 

This Tony Award-winning play first premiered in France in 2013 and in Italy in 2015, before the English adaptation debuted at London’s National Theatre in 2018, then played the Park Avenue Armory in NYC in spring of 2019. After pandemic delays, the National Theatre production had a limited run on Broadway (Sept 2021 – Jan 2022) and in Los Angeles (Mar – Apr 2022). Stefano Massini also adapted the play into a novel which was translated into English by Richard Dixon and published in 2020. 

The Huntington’s 2023 production of The Lehman Trilogy, now running through Sunday, July 23, is the first original, American-based production.
