星期五, 6月 16, 2023


麻州批准 9 項經濟發展專案

麻州經濟發展廳 (EOED)的麻州企業發展辦公室(MOBD下設的經濟援助協調委員會(EACC),今 (16)日批准了 9 項專案參與經濟發展獎勵計劃(EDIP),該計劃旨在通過提供稅收抵免來創造新的就業機會和幫助企業成長。這些專案預計在麻州創造 1,163 個新就業機會,並保留 594 個就業崗位,獲得 $1,343,000 的州稅收抵免,並翹動約 $844 百萬的私人投資。

在本季申請者中,有五家是製造商,其中兩家座落於門戶城市內。此外,EACC 還批准了將獲得 $35,000 可退還抵稅優惠的四個空置商面新項目。


EDIP 認證項目

EDIP 旨在促進增加就業機會和刺激企業發展。參與 EDIP 的公司可以藉由承諾創造新的就業機會、保留現有就業崗位和對該項目進行私人投資,換得麻州稅收抵免和/或當地物業稅激勵。

Windward Power Systems, Inc./Superfly Enterprises LLC(新貝德福)

  • 該公司成立於 2006 年,是一家美國退伍軍人擁有、麻州認證的弱勢企業。該公司一直為船用柴油機、發電機和變速器提供銷售、維修和零件支持。此外,它還成為一家液壓配件和接頭的經銷商,並具備製作液壓軟管組件的能力。
  • 該公司計劃擴展到液壓管彎曲,以多元化業務並利用該地區即將到來的風電項目。該公司已經在新貝德福找到一棟空置建築,用於建立一個新的管彎曲和液壓軟管組件的製造部門。
  • 這一擴張代表了 $1,995,000 的私人投資。該公司將創造 11 個就業崗位和保留 9 名員工。
  • 新貝德福還批准了為期五年的特別稅收評估(Special Tax Assessment),這是企業和主辦城市之間的協議,適用於該地块$39,452的全部評估價值。EACC 委員會還給了 $5,500 的麻州抵稅優惠。
  • 該公司還計劃使用麻州的 10% 棄置樓宇翻新減免。

Form Energy Inc.(尚莫維爾 (Somerville))

  • Form Energy 成立於 2017 年,由五名能源儲存行業資深人士創立。該公司正在開發一種可再次充電的鐵氧電池,能夠以成本價格少於鋰離子電池技術安裝總成本十分之一的系統,持續放電 100 小時。
  • 這家公司的在綠城實驗室的麻州總部,已從 2018 年的 6,000 平方英尺增長到 2023 年在三棟建築物內佔地 90,000 平方英尺。他們需要額外的空間、電力和停車場。因此,他們將租用一棟面積在 180,000 220,000 平方英尺之間,具備它們所需電力及基礎設施要求的建築物。
  • 該公司將創造 165 個新的就業機會,保留 209 個現有就業崗位,並給這個項目注入7300萬元私人投資。
  • Somerville 市將提供30萬元租金補貼,EACC 委員會獎助 $1,237,500 的抵稅優惠。

Isotek Corp. dba Isabellenhuette USA(天鵝海 (Swansea)

  • Isabellenhuette USA 是一家精密熱電和電阻合金、被動式電子元件和電流測量傳感器的生產商,產品用於汽車、航空航天、醫療和能源市場。
  • 該公司銷售、儲存和分銷在德國總部生產的產品。
  • Isabellenhuette 已經在Swansea購買了一棟樓和土地,並計劃翻新。
  • 該項目代表了320萬的私人投資,將創造 14 個新的就業崗位和保留 11 名現有員工。Swansea 鎮已經批准了一項為期 10 年,價值超過15萬元的的稅務獎勵融資(TIF)EACC 委員會批准了 $100,000 的稅收抵免。


TIF 是企業和主辦城市之間的協議。該百分比的減免適用於該地块由於私人投資的增量增加,協議可能包括對個人財產稅的減免。

Flagship Pioneering Labs TPC Inc.(安多佛 (Andover))

  • Flagship Pioneering 是一家構思、創建資源並在人類健康尚未探索領域開發突破性創新的頂尖生物平台創新公司。
  • 該公司正尋求建造一個 450,000 平方英尺的最先進的生物製造和卓越的全球研發中心,專注於臨床前和臨床開發、分析,以及GMP製造RNA/DNA,基因和細胞療法,以及微生物群治療。
  • 實體場地將支持最多七家 Flagship 公司在同一個單一場地中營運,由Flagship的中央化服務,以及經挑選的策略供應鏈夥伴支援。
  • 這項目預計將創造 600 個新的就業機會,並代表了4億零3百萬元的私人投資。
  • 安多佛已批准了為期 20 年的 稅務獎勵融資(TIF),預計在 TIF 期間為該公司節省 1780萬元的物業稅。

KARM Hospitality LLC(布洛克頓 (Brockton)

  • KARM Hospitality 是一家家族企業,計劃建造一家新的,佔地 39,400 平方英尺,有78 間客房的酒店,總投資額為 1000萬元。
  • 這家酒店將提供健身中心、室內游泳池和戶外露台等設施。酒店將由第三方管理公司經營,位置選擇在靠近 24 號公路的地方。布洛克頓市已批准了為期十年的 TIF,估計價值超過 $431,000

Analog Devices Federal LLC - 20 Alpha Road(切爾姆斯福德 (Chelmsford)

  • 在晶片法 ( CHIPs Act) 最近實施下,Analog Devices公司了解到創新及增加美國供應鏈韌性的需要,以確使保護國家安全的先進系統運送不受干擾。
  • Alpha 20號生產的半導體模組,含有對國防項目至關重要的多個高度整合元件。提案中的項目將涉及約7100萬元的資金投資,以調整現有場地藍圖,並安裝新的設備及科技。
  • 這項目將創造111個新就業機會,保留207個工作崗位。
  • Chelmsford是已批准為期10年的TIF,價值約585,000元。

Analog Devices Federal LLC - 2 Elizabeth Drive/Analog Devices Inc.(切爾姆斯福德)

  • Analog Devices 正在進行另一個和 2 Elizabeth Drive 設施相關的資本項目,要把現有的辦公室空間轉變為潔净室和實驗室空間,以因應該場地的製造能力,包括 7,800 平方英尺的安全測試空間和 9,700 平方英尺的非安全測試空間。
  • 這項目代表了21 00萬元的資本投資,將創造 22 個新的就業機會,保留 158 個現有的就業崗位。切爾姆斯福德鎮已批准了為期 10 年、價值 $960,000 TIF

Granite Cove Equities LLC/Granite Cove Venue LLC dba The Cut(格洛斯特( Gloucester))

  • 這棟空置樓與正在翻新成為一家餐廳,酒吧,音樂工作室和娛樂場所。
  • 這項目是一座佔地 22,000 平方英尺的建築,多年來一直需要維修。
  • 更新包括新屋頂、新冷暖氣系統 ( HVAC)、新滅火系統、電氣和管道系統升級、電梯、前方外牆地板、舞台、音響和照明系統,以及完整商業廚房的安裝。
  • 結果將是包括一個可容納 165 人的餐廳/酒吧和一個可容納 500 人的多功能場所。 該項目將創造 40 個新的就業機會,代表著 1040 萬美元的私人投資。
  • Gloucester市已批准價值 48,504 美元的 5 年期 TIF 該公司計劃利用聯邦的 10% 廢棄建築翻新減免。

ModernaTX Inc.伯洛夫洛夫 (Marlborough)——

ModernaTX Inc. 成立於 2010 年,總部位於劍橋,是一家生產 RNA (mRNA) 療法和疫苗的生物技術公司。擬議的項目將擴建 149 Hayes Memorial Drive,以創建一個 mRNA 製造設施,包括完整的製造潔淨室環境、實驗室、倉庫、製造和工程人員辦公室,以及一個小型飲食服務區。這項目將創造 200 個新工作崗位和超過 2.5 億美元的私人投資。Ma4lborough市已給該項目價值超過 1260 萬美元的 20 年期 TIF

Salted Soul Cave LLC (艾克頓鎮 (Acton)) – 

                                        光療服務提供商,一種肺部問題的替代療法。 阿克頓鎮提供了 5,000 美元的贈款來幫助裝修公司的場所,而該州則提供了 5,000 美元的可退稅稅收抵免。


            馬薩諸塞州空置店面計劃幫助市政當局振興其市中心和商業區。地方市政府可以向 EACC 申請將指定的市中心或其他商業區指定為認證空置店面區。在這樣的指定之後,企業可以獲得當地配套資金的承諾,以便向 EACC 申請可退還的 EDIP 稅收抵免,用於租賃和占用該地區的空置店面。

Salted Soul Cave LLC (Acton)

光療服務提供商,一種肺部問題的替代療法。 阿克頓鎮提供了 5,000 美元的贈款來幫助該公司裝修場地,麻州則提供了 5,000 美元的可退還的稅收抵免。

Perry Pool Supply LLC (Gardner) –

 一家提供住宅和商業級游泳池服務和產品(例如化學測試產品、設備和配件)的供應商。 Gardner市為改善空間提供了 10,000 美元的一般財政援助,州政府提供了 10,000 美元的可退稅稅收抵免。

Assemble LLC(北安普頓 (Northampton)——

Assemble 是一家獨立的家具和禮品店。 北安普頓市提供了 10,000 美元的一般財政援助,將用作營運資金,州政府則提供了 10,000 美元的可退稅稅收抵免。

Many Graces LLC(北安普頓(Northampton)——

一家專業切花農場和花藝設計工作室。 Northampton市提供了 10,000 美元的一般財政援助,支持該企業安裝地板、家具、天花板、工作台、水槽、冰箱和洗碗機。 州政府則提供了 10,000 美元的可退稅稅收抵免。

Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council Approves Nine Projects for the Economic Development Incentive Program 

Boston, MA – Today, Massachusetts’ Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) approved nine projects for participation in the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP), a program that seeks to create new jobs and help businesses grow by offering credits to lower taxes in exchange for job creation. These projects are expected to create 1,163 net new jobs and retain 594 jobs throughout Massachusetts, receive $1,343,000 in state tax credits, and leverage approximately $844 million in private investment. Of the applicants this quarter, five are manufacturers and two are located in Gateway Cities. Additionally, the EACC approved four new Vacant Storefront Projects that will receive refundable tax credits of $35,000. 

The approved projects include:  

EDIP Certified Projects

EDIP is designed to foster job creation and stimulate business growth. A company that participates in EDIP may receive state tax credits and/or local property tax incentives in exchange for a commitment to new job creation, existing job retention, and private investment in the project.

Windward Power Systems, Inc./Superfly Enterprises LLC (New Bedford) - The company was founded in 2006 and is a veteran-owned, Massachusetts-certified disadvantaged business enterprise. The company has been providing sales, service, and parts support for marine diesel engines, generators, and transmissions. Additionally, it has become a distributor of hydraulic fittings and adapters with the ability to build hydraulic hose assemblies. The company plans to expand into hydraulic tube bending in an effort to diversify and take advantage of incoming wind farm projects in the region. The company has identified a vacant building in New Bedford to use for a new manufacturing division of tube bending and hydraulic hose assembly. With this expansion representing a private investment of $1,995,000, the company will create 11 jobs and retain nine employees. New Bedford has also approved a five-year Special Tax Assessment, which is an agreement between the business and host municipality that applies to the entire assessed value of a parcel, valued at $39,452 and the EACC Board awarded state tax credits of $5,500. The company also plans to use the state’s 10% Abandoned Building Renovation Deduction.

Form Energy Inc. (Somerville) - Form Energy was formed in 2017 by five energy storage veterans. The company is developing a rechargeable iron-air battery capable of continuously discharging electricity for 100 hours at a system cost less than one-tenth the total installed cost of lithium-ion battery technology. The company’s Massachusetts headquarters has grown from 6,000 square feet at Greentown Labs in 2018 to 90,000 square feet in three buildings in 2023. They are in need of additional space, power, and parking. Accordingly, they will be leasing a building in the 180,000 to 220,000 square foot range with the necessary power requirements and infrastructure. The company will create 165 new jobs, retain 209 existing jobs, and make a $73 million private investment in the project. The City of Somerville will make a $300,000 lease subsidy and the EACC Board has awarded tax credits in the amount of $1,237,500.

Isotek Corp. dba Isabellenhuette USA (Swansea) - Isabellenhuette USA is a producer of precision thermoelectric and resistance alloys, passive electronic components, and current measurement sensors for the automotive, aerospace, medical, and energy markets. The company sells, stocks, and distributes products manufactured at their headquarters in Germany. Isabellenhuette has purchased a building and land in Swansea and is planning renovations. The project represents a private investment of $3.2 million and will create 14 new jobs and retain 11 existing jobs. The Town of Swansea has approved a 10-year TIF valued at over $150,000 and the EACC Board has approved $100,000 in tax credits. 

Local-Only Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Projects

TIF is a negotiated agreement between a business and host municipality. The percentage exemption applies to the incremental increase of assessed value of the parcel due to the private investment and the agreement may include exemptions on personal property tax. 

Flagship Pioneering Labs TPC Inc. (Andover) - Flagship Pioneering is a leading bio platform innovation company that conceives, creates resources, and develops breakthrough innovations in unexplored domains of human health. The company is looking to create a 450,000 square foot, state-of-the-art bio manufacturing and R&D global center of excellence focused on pre-clinical and clinical development, analytics and GMP manufacturing RNA/DNA, gene and cell therapies, and microbiome therapeutics. The physical site will support the co-location of up to seven Flagship Companies on a single site with Flagship centralized services and select strategic supply chain partners. The project is expected to create 600 new jobs and represents a private investment of $403 million. Andover has approved a 20-year TIF expected to save the company $17.8 million in property taxes over the life of the TIF.

KARM Hospitality LLC (Brockton) - KARM Hospitality is a family business proposing to build a new 39,400 square foot, 78-room hotel that will represent a total private investment of $10 million. The hotel will have amenities such as a fitness center, indoor pool, and outdoor patio.  The hotel will be operated by a third-party management company and the location was chosen for the close proximity to Route 24. The City of Brockton has approved a 10-year TIF estimated to be valued at over $431,000.

Analog Devices Federal LLC - 20 Alpha Road (Chelmsford) - With the recent implementation of the CHIPs Act, Analog Devices understands the need to innovate and increase the resiliency of the US supply chain to ensure uninterrupted delivery of advanced systems that protect national security. The semiconductor modules produced at 20 Alpha Road contain multiple highly integrated components that are critical to Department of Defense programs.  The proposed project would involve a capital investment of ~$71 million to repurpose the existing footprint of the facilities and installing new equipment and technology.  This project will create 111 new jobs, retain 207 jobs and the Town of Chelmsford has approved a 10 Year TIF estimated to be valued at $585,000.

Analog Devices Federal LLC - 2 Elizabeth Drive/Analog Devices Inc. (Chelmsford) - Analog Devices is undertaking an additional capital project related to the 2 Elizabeth Drive facility to convert existing office space to cleanroom and lab space to accommodate the site's manufacturing capacity, including 7,800 square feet of secure test space and 9,700 square feet of unsecured test space. The project represents a capital investment of $21 million, will create 22 new jobs, and retain 158 existing jobs. The Town of Chelmsford has approved a 10-year TIF valued at $960,000.

Granite Cove Equities LLC/Granite Cove Venue LLC dba The Cut (Gloucester) - This vacant building is being rehabilitated as a restaurant, bar, music studio, and entertainment venue. The project is a 22,000 square foot building that has been in need of repair for many years. Updates include a new roof, new HVAC, new fire suppression, and upgrades to electric and plumbing systems, the elevator, front facade, flooring, stage, sound and lighting systems, and the installation of a full commercial kitchen. The result will include a 165-person restaurant/bar and a 500-person multi-purpose venue. This project will result in the creation of 40 new jobs and represents a private investment of $10.4 million. The City of Gloucester has approved a 5-year TIF valued at $48,504. The company plans to take advantage of the Commonwealth’s 10% Abandoned Building Renovation Deduction.

ModernaTX Inc. (Marlborough) - Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Cambridge, ModernaTX Inc. is a biotechnology company that produces RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines. The proposed project would build out 149 Hayes Memorial Drive to create an mRNA manufacturing facility with process equipment including a full manufacturing clean room environment, labs, a warehouse, offices for manufacturing and engineering personnel, and a small food service area. The project will result in the creation of 200 new jobs and a private investment of over $250 million. The City of Marlborough has awarded the project a 20-year TIF valued at over $12.6 million.

Massachusetts Vacant Storefront Projects
The Massachusetts Vacant Storefront Program helps municipalities revitalize their downtowns and commercial areas. Municipalities may apply to the EACC to designate a defined downtown or other commercial area as a Certified Vacant Storefront District. After such a designation, a business may secure a commitment of local matching funds in order to apply to the EACC for refundable EDIP tax credits for leasing and occupying a vacant storefront in that district. 

Salted Soul Cave LLC (Acton) – A provider of halotherapy services, an alternative treatment for lung problems. The Town of Acton awarded a $5,000 grant to help fit-out the company’s premises and the state awarded $5,000 in refundable tax credits.
Perry Pool Supply LLC (Gardner) - A provider of residential and commercial grade swimming pool services and products such as chemical testing products, equipment, and accessories. The City of Gardner awarded $10,000 in general financial assistance for space improvements and the state awarded $10,000 in refundable tax credits.

Assemble LLC (Northampton) – Assemble is an independent furniture and gift store. The City of Northampton awarded $10,000 in general financial assistance that will be used as working capital and the state awarded $10,000 in refundable tax credits.
Many Graces LLC (Northampton) - A specialty-cut flower farm and floral design studio. The City of Northampton awarded $10,000 in general financial assistance for fit-out including flooring, furniture, ceiling tiles, work counters, sink, refrigerator, and a dishwasher. The state awarded $10,000 in refundable tax credits.

About the Economic Assistance Coordinating Council
The Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) is a state board comprised of public and private sector officials that review and approve Economic Development Incentive Program projects and tax credit incentives. The EACC also approves all local Tax Increment Financing and Special Tax Assessment agreements for municipal property tax relief. The EACC’s is part of the Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) in the Executive Office of Economic Development, which assists businesses expanding in and relocating to Massachusetts, with specific attention paid to projects that create and retain jobs and invest capital. The MOBD team provides a highly responsive, central point of contact that facilitates access to resources, expertise, and incentive programs for businesses.
