
星期一, 5月 01, 2023

美國南部華人移民故事紀錄片 "Far East Deep South" 5/4及5/6 在康可鎮、波士頓市免費放映

(Boston Orange) 康可 (Concord)鎮上的Fenn學校將於54(週四)6點,放映華人移民故事紀錄片"遠東深南 (Far East Deep South)",並邀得製片Baldwin Chiu和導演Larissa Lam出席映後座談。

              56 (週六) 下午2點,這部紀錄片將在波士頓華人浸信會的會址 (120 Shawmut Ave., Boston)放映。

              "遠東深南"是一部屢獲殊榮,關於18001900年代住在美國南部華人,以及在Jim Crow時代,華人社區和黑人互相之間關係故事,觸及種族,移民,美國身份等議題的紀片。這部片講述了 Chiu 家族穿越密西西比河尋找失落家族歷史的驚人旅程。 一路上,他們遇到了形形色色的當地居民和歷史學家,為他們揭示了早期華人在種族隔離南方的族裔上複雜的歷史。 這段讓人情緒激動的旅程,也讓他們發現諸如1882年排華法案那樣的排他性移民法,如何影響了他們的家庭,並了解到他們在美國的根有多深。

這部紀錄片放映會由羅元旭、Rebecca夫婦, 康可鎮非裔美人歷史的The Robbins House,康可及卡萊爾鎮 (Carlisle)人權協會和感激George Frisbie Hoar 協會贊助舉辦,有康可鎮、卡萊爾鎮 (Carlisle)和波士頓市的「社區組織起來反對種族主義 (Communities organizing against racism)」支持,查詢活動可上網,wwwlfareastdeepsouth.com,或連繫。rmorrison@genn.org

Boston Asian American Film Festival :

Free Far East Deep South In-Person Screenings +

Q&A with director Larissa Lam and producer Baldwin Chiu

Thu. May 4th, 2023 at 6:00pm

Fenn School - Ward Hall

516 Monument St. Concord, MA

No RSVP needed

Sat. May 6th, 2023 at 2:00pm

Boston Chinese Evangelical Church

120 Shawmut Ave.

Boston, MA

Eventbrite to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../film-screening-far-east...

FAR EAST DEEP SOUTH is the award-winning documentary feature film that follows the Chiu family on a surprising journey through Mississippi in search of their lost family history. Along the way, they meet a diverse group of local residents and historians, who shed light on the racially complex history of the early Chinese in the segregated South. Their emotional journey also leads them to discover how exclusionary immigration laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 impacted their family and they learn how deep their roots run in America.
