
星期三, 5月 10, 2023

麻州民主黨發聲明 指控共和黨挾持美國經濟

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州民主黨今 (9) 日發出聲明,稱支持川普的共和黨議員把美國經濟當成人質,威脅要刪減支持美國持續運轉的那些重要工作及系統的開銷經費,還要推動為億萬富翁及企業利益減稅。



麻州民主黨主席Steve Kerrigan表示:當拜登總統和麻州民主黨人正在努力加強經濟,幫助全州的勞動人民向前邁進時,那些呼籲「讓美國再次偉大 (MAGA)」的共和黨議員正挾持我們的經濟,照顧億萬富翁和企業利益。正如總統所說,美國從未拖欠過債務 麻州共和黨人應該撇開他們的黨派政治遊戲,加入拜登總統行動的行列,迅速採取行動以避免違约。

「讓美國再次偉大 (MAGA)」的共和黨極端分子不尋找共識,卻提出了以下計畫:






MAGA Republicans’ Default on America Plan Would Devastate Massachusetts

BOSTON - MAGA House Republicans are threatening to hold the American economy hostage to cut spending for vital jobs and systems that keep America moving, including funding for Massachusetts teachers, veterans, and law enforcement – while also pushing tax cuts for billionaires and corporate interests. The GOP’s extreme agenda stands in stark contrast to President Biden’s plan that would grow the economy, cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion over 10 years, and create opportunities for Massachusetts residents while cutting wasteful spending on big pharma and big oil.

“While President Biden and Massachusetts Democrats are fighting to strengthen the economy and help working people across the Commonwealth get ahead, MAGA Republicans are holding our economy hostage to look out for billionaires and corporate interests. As the president has said, America has never failed to pay our bills – Massachusetts Republicans should put their partisan gamesmanship aside and join President Biden in acting quickly to avoid a default,” said Steve Kerrigan, Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Instead of finding common ground, MAGA extremists are proposing a plan that could:

  • Cut 60,000 teachers, hurting up to 25 million kids;

  • Cut 30 million veterans health visits and increases the disability claims backlog by 130,000; 

  • Eliminate 2,000 border agents which could allow 900 more pounds of fentanyl into the country;

  • Threaten health care for nearly 21 million Americans;

  • Make it easier for billionaires to cheat on their taxes
