星期四, 11月 12, 2020

紐英崙七州州長聯合聲明 暫停青少年跨州曲棍球賽

            (Boston Orange報導) 麻州、新澤西州、緬因州、羅德島州、新罕布夏州、佛蒙特州及康州等七州州長,今(12)11點發表聯合聲明,暫停青少年跨州曲棍球賽,以遏制新冠病毒散佈。

             該聲明指出,鑒於近來爆發的新冠病毒疫情都和跨州青少年曲棍球活動有關,麻州查理貝克(Charlie Baker)、新澤西州Phil Murphy、緬因州Janet Mills、羅德島州雷萌朵(Gina Raimondo)、新罕布夏州Chris Sununu、佛蒙特州Phil Scott及康乃狄克州Ned Lamont等七名州長,都支持鄰州合作,暫停跨州比賽的區域性辦法,以限制病毒在各社區間進一步傳播。




Joint Statement from the Offices of Governors Baker, Murphy, Mills, Raimondo, Sununu, Scott and Lamont on the Suspension of Interstate Youth Hockey

BOSTON – In response to recent coronavirus outbreaks associated with the conduct of interstate youth hockey activities, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Maine Governor Janet Mills, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, Vermont Governor Phil Scott, and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont will support a regional approach to interstate competitions. As case numbers increase in many states across the country, it is critical that neighboring states coordinate a regional approach to limit further community spread of the virus.

The seven states will suspend interstate competitions for public and private schools and youth hockey effective this Saturday, November 14, 2020 through at minimum December 31, 2020. The prohibition will not impact interstate collegiate, professional, or U.S. national team hockey activities, which will remain subject to existing health and safety protocols and/or restrictions.

As public health data continues to evolve, the states will reassess the need for continued restrictions on interstate sports activities.
