星期四, 11月 19, 2020

2020「我們是波士頓」強調韌性與平等 波士頓移民進步辦公室明年將擴大


波士頓市長Martin J. Walsh強調他重視移民。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市長移民進步辦公室(MOIA)1120日晚舉辦「我們是波士頓(We Are Boston)」網上年度晚會,宣佈籌款16萬元,新年度將增聘2人,並致力支持移民創業,頒發「夢想者獎學金(Dreamer Scholarship)」。

MOIA主任Yusufi Vali說明年將擴大服務。(周菊子攝)
             波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)在致詞時表示,早前他宣佈過,種族歧視在波士頓是健康危機,也以行動支持這一聲言,設立「公平與包容內閣(equity and inclusion cabinet)」,聘請Karilyn Crockett博士來主持,優先改善市政府觸及人民生活每一層面中的平等。波士頓市府也設立了種族平等基金(Racial Equity Fund)來加強市府在族裔平等上的工作,反對華府的反移民政策,支持「公民計畫」對抗美國公民及移民服務處(USCIS)的申請公民漲價做法等等。


             MOIA2019年才新聘Yusufi Vali當主任。他強調這每年一度的晚會,今年以「從韌性到平等(From Resilience to Equity)」為主題,藉以強調「我們」團結可以怎樣的帶動所有居民邁向公平,並特別向前線工作人員,以及服務移民社區的非牟利組織致敬,感謝他們在新冠病毒大流行期間的不倦不怠工作。

Maverick Landing社區服務執行主任Rita Lara獲頒「我們是波士頓

             今年的「我們是波士頓社區冠軍獎」頒給在新冠病毒大流行期間,統籌東波士頓各組織合作,為有需要者,尤其是那些不符合任何福利資格的人提供食物的Maverick Landing社區服務執行主任Rita Lara

             「我們是波士頓企業領袖獎」頒給致力服務多元社區,協助非牟利機構及企業申請「薪資保護項目(PPP)」,每年舉辦社會正義慶祝活動的東方銀行(Eastern Bank)

Quincy Miller代表東方銀行領「我們是波士頓企業領袖獎」。(周菊子攝)
             Yusufi Vali在晚會結束前致詞說明,今年共有Arbella保險基金,道富集團(State Street) ,以及東方銀行(Eastern Bank),哈佛格林健保(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care) 33個企業機構贊助「我們是波士頓」這活動,捐款額約16萬元,將用於支持服務移民的非牟利機構。


             Yusufi Vali也特地感謝包括他的幕僚長Angus Chang在內的MOIA工作人員。他透露去年該辦公室只有員工5人,現在他們有全職員工8人,很快的,MOIA將成為有10個人的團隊,強調MOIA將繼續舉辦「移民帶領波士頓(Immigrants Lead Boston)」這為期12週的公民參與課程等等,協助民眾了解波士頓市政府運作,在各自社區中發揮領導作用。

                晚會在不同族裔兒童們大合唱「你有朋友(You got a friend)」聲中落幕。

             「我們是波士頓(We Are Boston)」這MOIA的網上年度晚會,也將放在臉書上供民眾欣賞,facebook.com/BOSImmigrants 

 晚會在不同族裔兒童們大合唱「你有朋友(You got a friend)」聲中落幕。

波士頓「公平與包容內閣(Equity and Inclusion Cabinet)」執行長
Karliyn Crockett也在會中分享了她個人的移民故事。










BOSTON - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) hosted We Are Boston 2020: From Resilience to Equity on November 19, 2020. The annual end-of-the year reception celebrates Boston immigrants and their contributions to the City. This year’s virtual program focused on honoring frontline workers and immigrant-serving nonprofits for their tireless work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It also highlighted how together we can move towards equity for all residents. 

“This year we have been tested in every way imaginable and our immigrant friends and neighbors have played a vital role in our response to the COVID-19 crisis, here in Boston and all across the United States,” said Mayor Walsh. “But I’ve always said that a city shows its true colors during the hard times. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, we’re going to keep supporting one another, and we’re going to keep fighting to protect the wellbeing, the rights, and the dignity of everyone who calls our City home.”

The Mayor awarded the 2020 “We Are Boston Community Champion Award” to Rita Lara, Executive Director of Maverick Landing Community Services, for her instrumental role in the coronavirus response. Lara organized a collaborative of East Boston organizations to provide relief and food to those in need, including those who do not qualify for any benefits. The 2020 “We Are Boston Corporate Leadership Award” went to Eastern Bank for their commitment to diverse communities by helping nonprofits and businesses apply for PPP and for their annual Social Justice celebration. 

Before the reception MOIA hosted workshops with corporate sponsors and community partners exploring the roots of systemic racism and ways to build inclusive cultures in the workplace and everyday life. 

“Our work to root out systemic racism and elevate the power and agency of residents, workers and families who have been excluded from the City’s prosperity begins with each of us. Opportunities to learn together, to strategize, organize and advocate is the bedrock of a just democracy,” said Chief of Equity Dr. Karilyn Crockett, the keynote speaker for the reception. 

Thirty-three corporate sponsors funded this year’s We Are Boston. Their donations totaling more than $159,000 will go towards capacity-building for immigrant-serving nonprofits. This year’s champion sponsors are Arbella Insurance Foundation and State Street Corporation and the visionary sponsors are Eastern Bank and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Last month, MOIA awarded $100,000 in mini-grants to 20 diverse nonprofits funded by We Are Boston 2019 corporate sponsors. 

“Thank you to the Mayor and my colleagues at City Hall for prioritizing our immigrant communities. Thank you to our nonprofits for helping families survive this pandemic, to our sponsors and those who bought tickets for your heart and generosity, and to our immigrant residents for keeping Boston diverse and making it this wonderful City that we love,” said MOIA’s Director Yusufi Vali.

Director Vali spoke about MOIA’s work over the past year and the City’s goal to keep moving forward on equity this next year. 

“We Are Boston 2020: From Resilience to Equity” is available to watch on MOIA’s Facebook page: facebook.com/BOSImmigrants.  (From City of Boston)
