星期三, 7月 27, 2022

波士頓移民辦公室 (MOIA) 新主任出爐 越南裔MONIQUE TÚ NGUYEN接掌


吳弭市長任命 MONIQUE TÚ NGUYEN 為波士頓市長移民發展服務辦事處(MOIA)主任

Nguyen 女士將領導該部門為波士頓的移民促進穩定性、經濟賦權、公民所有權和社會融合

 BOSTON - 波士頓 - 市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)今天任命 Monique Tú Nguyen 為波士頓市長移民發展服務辦事處(MOIA)主任。該部門隸屬於波士頓市公平與包容內閣(Equity and Inclusion Cabinet),負責為波士頓的移民維權,並致力於確保公共政策具有包容性。MOIA 還與本市其他部門和移民社區合作,開展旨在創造公平和歸屬感的方案。

MOIA 在為我們的移民社區賦權、跨越鄰里的社區建設、能公平地聯繫居民與波士頓提供的各種機會是至關重要的,MOIA 對於賦權於本市的移民、跨越鄰里的社區營造,以及讓所有人與波士頓提供的機會有所連結方面有著至關重要的地位」市長吳弭(Michelle Wu),「憑藉著 Monique 為移民及其家人廣泛維權的承諾,她的領導力和經驗將帶領我們繼續為市政服務轉型、賦予居民權力並確保波士頓是屬於每一個人的城市。」「Monique 在領導社區服務方面的經驗, 以及她對經濟和種族正義的承諾, 對我們的使命相當重要, 」公平和包容內閣主管 Mariangela Solis Cervera ,「能與她一起為波士頓的移民創造成功之路並賦權給我們這個豐富多樣的城市的每一位居民,讓我感到很高興。」

Nguyen 將以主任的身分領導該部門為波士頓的移民促進穩定性、經濟賦權、公民所有權和社會融合。其中的項目包括免費移民諮詢 (Free Immigration Consultations) 、夢想者獎學金 (Dreamers Fellowship) 、移民專業人員實習課程 (Immigrant Professionals Fellowship),以及移民引領波士頓(Immigrants Lead Boston)等等。此外, MOIA 目前正在支持社區組織提供的心理健康服務(mental health programming),並與本州機動車登記處(RMV)合作,為擬定於 2023 7 月生效的駕駛執照法案(Drivers License Bill)做準備。「我來自一個移民家庭,我親身體驗過移民們為探索世界追尋安全和夢想時具有遠見的勇氣 - 在此路程中經常會遭遇持續不斷的掙扎,Monique Tú Nguyen ,「我感謝吳市長和 Solis Cervera 主管讓我有機會確保波士頓對移民的包容性,並推進MOIA 的工作。」

在擔任此職位之前,Nguyen 曾擔任瑪塔哈里婦女勞工中心 (Motahari Women Workers Center)的執行主任長達 10 ,致力於促進家庭傭工、婦女、移民及其家人的權利和保護。她還因領導麻州無證件者基金(MassUndocuFund, 一個專為移民勞工提供針對 COVID-19 新冠疫情的百萬美元現金救濟基金) 以及在 2014 年帶頭促成麻薩諸塞州家庭傭工權利法案的通過而受到認可。

Nguyen 將在 8 16 日就任。她的任命是繼MOIA的前主任Yusufi Vali 於五月被任命為市長的副幕僚長之後所宣布的。

Nguyen 來自加拿大溫哥華, 是一對越戰難民夫婦引以為傲的女兒。她會說英語、越南語, 並且正在學習西班牙語。Nguyen 喜歡烹飪、跳舞、健行, 以及有關社區建設的夢想和計畫。

Nguyen will lead the department to advance stability, economic empowerment, civic ownership, and social integration for immigrants in Boston
Monique Tú Nguyen
BOSTON - Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today appointed Monique Tú Nguyen as the Director of the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA). The department, which is within the Equity and Inclusion Cabinet, advocates for immigrants in Boston and works to ensure public policy is inclusive. MOIA also collaborates with City departments and immigrant communities on programs aimed at creating equity and belonging. 

“MOIA is critical to empowering our immigrant communities, building community across our neighborhoods and connecting all to Boston’s opportunities,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “With Monique's extensive commitment to advocacy for immigrants and their families, she brings leadership and experience as we continue to transform our City services, empower residents and ensure that Boston is a city for all.”

“Monique’s experience in community-driven leadership and commitment to economic and racial justice are important to our mission,” said Mariangely Solis Cervera, Chief of Equity and Inclusion. “I am excited to work alongside her not only to create pathways of success for immigrants in Boston, but to empower every resident in our rich and diverse city.” 

As Director, Nguyen will lead the department to advance stability, economic empowerment, civic ownership, and social integration for immigrants in Boston. This includes programs such as Free Immigration Consultations, the Dreamers Fellowship, the Immigrant Professionals Fellowship, and Immigrants Lead Boston. In addition, MOIA is now supporting community-based organizations in mental health programming and working with the RMV to prepare for the Driver’s License Bill to go into effect July 2023. 

“Coming from an immigrant family, I know firsthand the visionary courage of immigrants as they venture into the world to seek out safety and a dream – often met with continual struggle on the journey,” said Monique Tú Nguyen. “I’m thankful to Mayor Wu and Chief Solis Cervera for this opportunity to make sure Boston is inclusive to immigrants and to advance the work of MOIA.”

Prior to this appointment, Nguyen served as Executive Director of Matahari Women Workers’ Center for 10 years, advancing the rights and protections for domestic workers, women, immigrants, and their families. She’s also been recognized for her leadership of the MassUndocuFund, a million dollar COVID-19 cash relief fund for immigrant workers, and for spearheading the successful passage of the Massachusetts Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in 2014.

Nguyen’s first day is August 16. Her appointment comes after MOIA’s previous Director, Yusufi Vali, was appointed the Deputy Chief of Staff in May. 

Nguyen is from Vancouver, Canada and a proud daughter of Vietnam War refugees. She speaks English, Vietnamese, and is learning Spanish. Nguyen loves to cook, dance, hike, and dream and scheme about community building.
