星期三, 7月 20, 2022

Gail 及Alfred Engelberg捐款1500萬元資助古根漢博物館教育項目

(Boston Orange 編譯) 位於紐約市的古根漢博物館 (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum) (20) 日宣佈,Gail Alfred Engelberg夫婦和Engelberg基金會承諾捐款1500萬元資助該館的藝術教育項目。

Gail May Engelberg 是古根漢博物館董事會董事,也是古根漢基金教育委員會主席。過去25年來,她一直是古根漢博物館藝術教育的主要支持者,早前還資助設立教育副主任職位。

為誌記這一新捐贈,古根漢博物館佔地8200平方呎的教育空間將命名為「Gail May Engelberg藝術教育中心」。該中心內有較是,藝術工作室,以及劇院,還有可以進一步實現古根漢博物館為社區人士,博物館訪客,以及學生提供學習,參與,還有和彼此及藝術建立聯繫的機會。

古根漢博物館及基金主任Richard Armstrong表示,「我們很榮幸,古根漢教育中心將帶有Gail May Engelberg的名字。過去25年來,她是古根漢藝術教育的最前衛領導,她的支持及擁護真的是模範,使得古根漢能更創造更活潑極有意義的項目。

                    Gail May Engelberg說,「在我還是個年輕女孩時,我父母教我藝術及藝術教育的重要性,把我帶到紐約參觀古根漢。藝術從此成為我生命中的基本元素。我很榮幸能在提供教育機會上支持這偉大博物館的工作,我知道那將會豐富未來世代兒童、學生及家庭的生活。

Gail and Alfred Engelberg Commit $15 Million to Support Guggenheim Museum Education Programs

Education facilities to be named Gail May Engelberg Center for Arts Education and a formal dedication and naming ceremony will take place November 1, 2022.

(NEW YORK, NY—July 20, 2022) The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum announces that Gail and Alfred Engelberg and the Engelberg Foundation have committed $15 million to endow the museum’s arts education programs.

Gail May Engelberg is a member of the Guggenheim’s Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Education Committee of the Guggenheim Foundation. She has been a major supporter and advocate for arts education at the Guggenheim for a quarter of a century and previously endowed the position of Deputy Director of Education.

In recognition of this new gift, the Guggenheim Museum’s education space will be named the Gail May Engelberg Center for Arts Education. The 8,200-square-foot center includes classrooms, studio art spaces, and a theater and furthers the Guggenheim’s mission of offering learning opportunities for community members, museum visitors, and students to build engagement with and connection to the arts and each other.

Richard Armstrong, Director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, commented, “We are honored that the Guggenheim’s education center will bear the name of Gail May Engelberg, who has been one of the most ardent leaders of arts education at the Guggenheim for the last 25 years. Gail’s support and advocacy are truly exemplary and have enabled the Guggenheim to create dynamic and meaningful programming.”

“My parents taught me the importance of the arts and arts education when I was a young girl and brought me to New York to visit the Guggenheim,” Engelberg said. “The arts have been an essential part of my life ever since. It is an honor to support the work of this great museum in providing educational opportunities that I know will enrich the lives of children, students, and families for generations to come.”
