星期三, 7月 27, 2022

波士頓體育會 11月13日將舉行半場馬拉松賽


B.A.A. Half Marathon Header
Starting & Finishing at Franklin Park in Boston
The B.A.A. Half Marathon presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund is back for the first time in three years! Register today for the 13.1 mile race along Boston's Emerald Necklace Park system.
Distance Medley
WHEN: Sunday, November 13 at 8:00 a.m.
WHERE: Start & Finish at Franklin Park, with the race running through Boston's Emerald Necklace.
HOW TO REGISTER: Visit www.baa.org to sign up today!
ALL PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE: Unicorn finisher medal, adidas long sleeve participant shirt, unique bib number, and more!
B.A.A. DISTANCE MEDLEY: Are you a B.A.A. 5K & B.A.A. 10K finisher? You can complete the B.A.A. Distance Medley and earn a special unicorn medal, plus access to the exclusive B.A.A. Distance Medley tent presented by New England Honda Dealers and the Samuel Adams beer garden!
Join Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's B.A.A. Half Marathon Team
Dana Farber Runners
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has partnered with the B.A.A. Half Marathon since 2003 as the race’s presenting sponsor & exclusive charity team.

Dana-Farber runners have collectively raised more than $8 million to support groundbreaking cancer research. Learn more & secure your spot with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute today!
© 2022 B.A.A.
This is an official publication of the Boston Athletic Association

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