(波士頓訊)——社區成員、活動人士和民選官員將於週六齊聚一堂,慶祝華人前進會成立 45 週年。本次活動的主題是「團結並壯大我們的草根力量」。慶祝活動是為了表彰無數基層領導人的貢獻和華人社區在從 COVID-19 挑戰走向集體康復和康復方面的韌性。華人前進會在慶祝其 45 年的成就之際,努力加強其遺產,團結社區成員的力量,塑造更加公正和公平的共同未來。
時間:2022 年 7 月 30 日星期六下午 1 點到 3 點
地點:Josiah Quincy Elementary School, 885 Washington Street, Boston MA
誰:將出席活動發言者包括國會女議員 Ayanna Pressley、波士頓市長吳弭 ( Michelle Wu)、波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn、其他州民選官員和中國駐紐約總領事館的代表。
Chinese Progressive Association Celebrates Its 45th Anniversary:
Unite and Grow Our Grassroots Power
BOSTON – Community members, activists, and elected officials will gather Saturday to celebrate Chinese Progressive Association’s 45th Anniversary. The theme of the event is Unite and Grow Our Grassroots Power. The celebration is to recognize the contributions of countless grassroots leaders and the resilience of the Chinese community in navigating from the challenges of COVID-19 towards collective healing and recovery. As the Chinese Progressive Association honors its 45 years of accomplishments, it strives to further strengthen its legacy, uniting the power of community members in shaping a more just and equitable shared future.
WHEN: Saturday, July 30th, 2022, 1 to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Josiah Quincy Elementary School, 885 Washington Street, Boston MA 02111
WHAT: Program will include spoken word, singing, skit, and dance performances by community members, remarks from public leaders, and drinks and refreshments after the program.
WHO: Speakers at the event will include Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Boston City Council President Ed Flynn, other state elected officials and representatives from the Chinese Consulate General in New York.
Attendees can RSVP for the event ahead of time here: https://bit.ly/CPA45years