星期三, 7月 06, 2022

波士頓市長吳弭關心青少年精神健康 (市府視頻)

Boston Children's Physician and Harvard instructor Dr. Kevin Simon has been appointed as the first Chief Behavioral Health Officer

Dr. Simon will guide public health strategy to support Bostonians’ growing mental and behavioral health needs at the the Boston Public Health Commission. I joined the Mayor, Dr. Simon, City Councilor Louijeune and State Representative Madaro at Zumix in East Boston to highlight youth mental health needs.

As the Chair of Public Health, Mental Health and Homelessness, the first Order I filed as a City Councilor was to address the youth mental health crisis in our City. The second Order I filed was to address the lack of funding, and commitment, in our Boston Public Schools around athletics and arts for our youth. 

Sports and arts provide our children with way more than just the opportunity to exercise their bodies. There are social, health and psychological benefits that allow our kids to do better in life. As a mother of student athletes (Go Dragons and Eagles!) who benefitted in so many ways from their time on school teams and art programs, and as a public school teacher who knows that educating the whole child has to include physical and social wellness to be successful, I will continue to advocate for more athletic and art opportunities for our children.

Together, we will strive to move swiftly towards ensuring that every child has access to high-quality, affordable, and culturally competent mental health care. Connecting athletic and art opportunities in addition to medical care is sure to result in positive outcomes for our youth.

As always, in a mental health emergency, 911 is available to assist.

In a non-emergency situation, you may dial 311, or contact 617-431-0125.

For questions, contact the Boston Public Health Commission: 617-534-5395

Erin J. Murphy 

Boston City Councilor At-Large



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