星期六, 7月 30, 2022

City of Boston funding updates


The Funding Update

AmeriCorps, 9/13/2022
Volunteer Generation grants will develop and/or support community-based entities to recruit, manage, and support volunteers. Minimum award: $100,000.

Department of Justice, 9/12/2022
Youth Violence Prevention grants support strategies targeted to middle and high school age youth. Max award: $250,000.

Health Resources and Services Administration, 10/12/2022
Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children grants support access to health care for under-resourced and underserved children, youth, and their families nationwide. Max award: $50,000.

New This Week

Health Resources and Services Administration, 9/12/2022
Service Area Competition grants support primary health care services.HRSA estimates $360M to be available annually to fund 79 awards.

National Science Foundation, 10/25/2022
Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (“NSF INCLUDES”). Project types supported: (1) Design and Development Launch Pilots, (2) Collaborative Change Consortia, (3) Alliances, (4) Network Connectors, and (5) Conferences. A total of $5.5M is available. Eligibility is unrestricted.

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


City of Lawrence, 8/19/2022
The Health and Human Services Department seeks sealed proposals from experienced qualified Resource Development professionals to successfully pursue and obtain grant funds for Lawrence Mayor’s Health Task Force.

Center for Health Information & Analysis, 8/23/2022

Request for Responses from qualified and experienced contractors to provide analysis and expert guidance on diversity matters as they relate to the agency’s internal and external recruitment, hiring and promotion processes.

Town of Wareham, 8/24/2022
The Town Administrator requests proposals and qualifications from a qualified firm or team for grant implementation and management services for its Department of Planning and Community Development. Primary responsibilities will be the implementation of the Town’s FY 2021 Massachusetts CDBG Program, with secondary responsibilities for managing the other activities and assets of the Department.

City of Worcester, 8/24/2022
Scope of Work: professional consulting service for an executive search for City Manager.

Department of Energy Resources, 8/26/2022
Seeking a contractor to perform engineering review services for its Green Communities Division in order to review grant applications from municipalities, regional school districts, water and /wastewater districts, municipal light plant territories, and/or other local government entities. A major component of the work will involve timely reviews of Green Communities Designation and Competitive Grants.

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Boston Public Health Commission, 8/6/2022
Boston Youth Resiliency and Recovery Collaborative is seeking qualified youth-serving organizations to increase equitable access to high quality mentoring opportunities for BIPOC LGBTQ+ young people.

Mayor’s Office of Housing, 8/17/2022
Requests proposals from non-profit organizations and units of local government to implement and facilitate Boston’s Youth Action Board.

Guide to Contracting with the City

We are always looking for partners to tackle both short- and long-term projects and purchases. Starting a business relationship with the City does not need to be a daunting process. Check this page for all the information needed to bid on City projects.

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Obama Foundation/My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, Weekly - beginning 7/15/2022
The goal of the Freedom Summer 2022 Fund is to provide communities with tools and resources to create safe spaces for our boys and young men of color, particularly during the summer months, in an effort to curb the uptick in violence we are seeing across the country. Awards will range from $15,000 to $25,000 until funds are exhausted.

New This Week

Tower Foundation, 8/3/2022
Grants support prevention, treatment, and/or recovery services to people aged 26 years or younger who are affected by intellectual and learning disabilities, mental illness/mental health challenges, and substance use disorders. Awards range from $15,000 to $50,000. 

Chisholm Foundation, 9/1/2022
Funding priorities: arts, education, and religion. The Foundation is particularly interested in new or demonstration projects which, if successful, can be continued and expanded with the help of additional financial supporters.

Rachael and Ben Vaughan Foundation, 9/1/2022
Funding priorities: education, environmental preservation, health care, human rights, poverty reduction, religious support, and substance abuse. Awards may range between $2,000 and $20,000.

Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, 9/1/2022
Grants support organizations that operate a lending bookmobile that travels into neighborhoods populated by underserved youth in grades PreK - 8. Grants range from $500 to $3000 - specifically for book purchases.

Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom, 9/1/2022
Mini-grants fund agriculture-related projects from schools, after-school programs, farms working with schools, and youth gardening organizations. Max award: $1,500.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 9/7/2022
Funding goal: to build the evidence base investigating how national, state, local, or private-sector policies and practices can reduce growing levels of racial inequality in wealth and significantly improve the financial well-being and economic security of families and communities that have been systematically subject to disinvestment -and therefore are unable to enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be healthy. Grants are typically funded for 24 months and have ranged from $30,000 to $450,000. 

Smith Family Foundation, 9/13/2022
Grants support one-time capital expenses between $10,000-$50,000 that directly enhance a nonprofit organization's ability to serve its clients and achieve its mission. Grants may be used for such purposes as facility improvements, vehicles, equipment purchases, and other non-expendable assets. The Foundation targets this assistance to nonprofit organizations with annual operating budgets under $5 million. Organizations from Greater Boston and select Gateway Cities in Eastern MA are encouraged to apply.

Teiger Foundation, 9/15/2022
Grants (up to $150,000) provide support curator-led projects at nonprofit art organizations in the U.S. and U.S. territories.

John Z. Duling Grant Program, 9/15/2022
Grants (up to $25,000 over up to three years) support research and technology transfer projects that have the potential of benefiting the everyday work of arborists. 

Hesed Foundation, 9/30/2022
Funding priorities: youth and education, health, and community building. Grants have ranged from $250 to $10,000; the average grant is $4000. 

Toshiba America Foundation, 10/1/2022
Grants support programs and activities that improve teaching and learning in science and mathematics, grades K-5. The Foundation focuses its grant making on inquiry-based projects designed by individual teachers, and small teams of teachers, for use in their own classrooms.

Honor the Earth, 12/31/2022
Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative grants ($1,000 to $5,000) support nonprofit Native organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico that are controlled by Indigenous peoples. Funding priorities: 1) renewable energy, energy efficiency and weatherization improvements, and 2) creating food security utilizing Indigenous varieties and organic production.

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.


Art AMore, 8/5/2022

What does the nature or essence of love mean to you? And how is this expressed through your art? Show AMORE from your perspective. Over $1,200 in cash prizes. All accepted pieces will be displayed in Art-Fluent online gallery.

New Commonwealth Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund
NCF is a funding and support resource for Black, Latino, and Indigenous entrepreneurs, innovators, and nonprofits. To learn more about their FY23 grant-making strategy and ask questions, you can register for one of six information sessions - August 9, August 11, September 7, September 20, October 13, or October 17.

Boston Residents: Do you need help getting online?
Request FREE High Speed Internet & a Chromebook Laptop through the Boston Public Library's Long Term Lending Program! Click here to learn if you qualify.

More BPL events and services are listed here

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