| | | | Department of Justice, 8/15/2022 Supporting Vulnerable At-Risk Youth and Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care grants support residential care, treatment, and services. Eligible applicants can provide services to youth and young adults up to and including age 25. Max award for site grants: $600,000.
Housing & Urban Development, 8/24/2022 Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot funds are used to rehabilitate and modify the primary residence of disabled veterans with low incomes. Awards range from $700,000 to $1M.
AmeriCorps, 9/13/2022 Volunteer Generation grants will develop and/or support community-based entities to recruit, manage, and support volunteers. Minimum award: $100,000. Register here for the webinar
Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov
Cultural Council, 9/28/2022 Cultural Sector Recovery Grants ($5,000-$75,000) support to Massachusetts cultural organizations, collectives, and businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Executive Office of Health & Human Services, 9/30/2022 This is advance notice of a Request for Responses. EOHHS seeks a pool of qualified vendors that will be eligible to contract with MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations and Managed Care Organizations to serve as Behavioral Health Community Partners; and a separate pool of qualified vendors to serve as Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners.
Department of Conservation & Recreation, 12/31/2023 DCR is soliciting bidders to provide Real Estate Advisory Services concerning DCR public parks. Services will include Real Estate Market Analysis, Arts & Culture Feasibility, Active Uses Implementation Strategy Development, Community Outreach and Engagement, as well as marketing services.
Department of Public Health, 6/30/2029 DPH is seeking qualified attorneys to provide department-wide legal services and and/or legal support services. Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.
Environment Department, 7/18/2022 The Commissioner of Environment has issued a Request for Proposals from qualified consultants to provide energy procurement and supply bill reconciliation services to the City. Boston Public Health Commission, 7/18/2022 The Mayor's Office of Recovery Services is seeking organization(s) to fill a critical need in the daytime continuum of care for individuals with substance use disorder, specifically those individuals experiencing homelessness.
Boston Public Health Commission, 7/22/2022 The Mayor's Office of Recovery Services is seeking organization(s) to support community engagement teams for up to three neighborhoods identified as high need.
Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture, 7/22/2022 Requests proposals for a design and installation of public art at the Copley Square Plaza.
Boston Public Health Commission, 8/6/2022 Boston Youth Resiliency and Recovery Collaborative is seeking qualified youth-serving organizations to increase equitable access to high quality mentoring opportunities for BIPOC LGBTQ+ young people.
Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.
FOUNDATION GRANTSTD Bank, 8/11/2022 The 2022 TD Ready Challenge is focused on supporting solutions designed to help people and communities who may be disproportionately affected by climate change to prepare for, adapt to, and help mitigate the potential impacts of climate change and/or to work towards a transition to a low-carbon economy. Eligible U.S.-based organizations can apply for $1M.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, 8/9/2022 Advancing Community-Driven Mental Health grants are awarded to improve access to community-based mental health services. The application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry.
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, 8/15/2022 Grants ($30,000 max) support small, nonprofit grassroots organizations working to help themselves and their communities create broad systems change through community organizing and movement-building efforts. The foundation prioritizes organizations that are led by and center the leadership and agency of Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color that approach their work using anti-oppression values.
Rea Charitable Trust, 8/18/2022 Funding focus: promotion of the arts. Awards range from $25,000 to $75,000. Organizations with a legal name beginning with letters M through Z, can apply between 7/1 and 8/15, annually. The application period for letters A-L is from 1/1 to 2/15, annually.
Nasdaq Foundation, 8/22/2022 Funding goal: to champion inclusive growth and prosperity, power stronger economies, create more equitable opportunities and contribute to a more sustainable world. Funding focus: women and under-represented minority communities. There is no set minimum or maximum grant amount.
Petco Foundation, 8/30/2022 Grants support nonprofit rescue organizations, animal control shelters, SPCAs and humane societies.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 9/7/2022 Seeking Policies for Action proposals to research policies with the potential to significantly improve the financial wellbeing and economic security of families and communities that have been systematically shoved to the margins, unable to enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be healthy. Awards will range from $30,000 to $450,000.
Voices for Healthy Kids, 9/8/2022 The Policy Campaign Grant supports strategic issue advocacy campaigns concerning early care and education, Early Head Start/Head Start appropriations, paid family leave, preemption, school food dietary quality, healthy school meals for all, sugary drink tax and investment, SNAP incentives and produce prescription programs, and water access in schools. Awards range from $50,000 to $200,000.
Cummings Foundation, 9/9/2022 The Cummings $30 Million Grant Program is a place-based initiative that primarily supports nonprofits in the Massachusetts counties where Cummings Foundation operates commercial properties and where most staff and clients of Cummings Foundation and Cummings Properties live. The application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry.
Environmental Justice Data Fund, 9/16/2022 Funding goal: to help frontline communities that have been historically underserved and disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental injustice. The Fund will enable frontline communities in the United States to use data to unlock resources, increase their access to Justice40 benefits and federal infrastructure funding, and advocate for new policies that empower communities to address past environmental harm and pave the way to a more sustainable, climate-resilient future. Awards range from $25,000 to $500,000.
Jewish Helping Hands, 9/19/2022 “Every act of tikkun olam—of repairing the world—is a spark that will light the way for the future.“ Funding goals: respond to unmet needs of those who are poor and/or marginalized; and promote self-help and empowerment within communities. Projects are ordinarily eligible for awards up to $5,000.
D'Addario Foundation, 10/15/2022 Funding focus: music education and youth development programs. Average grant: $2,500.
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, 11/10/2022 Funding priorities: museums, cultural and performing arts programs; schools and hospitals; educational, skills-training and other programs for youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other community-based organizations and programs. Awards typically range from $1,000 to $20,000.
Waste Management, Open Grants (up to $150,000) support environmental education programs targeted at middle and high school students.
The Skatepark Project, Open Funding goal: to create safe and inclusive public skateparks for youth in underserved communities. Grants range from $1,000 to $300,000. The application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry.
Bank of America, Open Community Sponsorships; $5,000 max. Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines. THE RESOURCE TABLE
Use Your Candid Profile to Tell Your Nonprofit’s Story Candid is collaborating with Nonprofit New York on a research project around nonprofit leadership in New York. All nonprofits are encouraged to participate in the research by earning a Candid profile Gold Seal of Transparency. By updating your profile, you provide donors with the information they need to fund you. You also get to choose what tens of millions of potential donors see about your organization. Register Here for the Webinar on 7/21/2022 at 10AM Eastern.
“Genius is equally distributed. Opportunity is not. Camelback is here to change that.” Camelback Ventures philanthropy is focused on entrepreneurs of color and women. The Capital Collaborative is a cohort-based fellowship program run by Camelback and designed for White leaders in philanthropy and impact investing who want to deepen their personal and professional work on racial equity and racial justice. This cohort program will run from September 2022 through March 2023, with the first in-person Summit October 12-14th. Details here.
Boston Residents: Do you need help getting online? Request FREE High Speed Internet & a Chromebook Laptop through the Boston Public Library's Long Term Lending Program! Click here to learn if you qualify. More BPL events and services are listed here.
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