(Boston Orange) 波士頓美博物術館 (MFA) 宣布任命 Ai Fukunaga (愛福永) 為石橋基金會日本藝術助理館長,任命 Nadirah Mansour 博士為首任伊斯蘭藝術助理館長。
自 2022 年 4 月上任以來,愛福永一直致力於各種項目,為博物館著名的日本藝術藏品提供新鮮和創新的視角,包括規劃在波士頓和日本的展覽、對藏品進行編目和研究收購。她是第二位擔任這為期兩年職位的助理策展人。2018
100 萬美元設立了這一職為。
(Lilly Endowment Inc.) 宗教和文化機構計劃在2020年捐款250萬元設立的。Mansour預定9月1日上任。
MFA Boston Appoints New Ishibashi Assistant Curator for Japanese Art and Inaugural Assistant Curator of Islamic Art |
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), has announced the appointment of Ai Fukunaga as the Ishibashi Foundation Assistant Curator for Japanese Art and Dr. Nadirah Mansour as the inaugural Assistant Curator of Islamic Art. Since assuming her role in April 2022, Fukunaga has been working on a wide range of projects to contribute fresh and innovative perspectives on the Museum’s renowned holdings of Japanese art, including planning for exhibitions in Boston and Japan, cataloging the collection and researching acquisitions. She is the second assistant curator to hold the two-year position, which was established in 2018 through a $1 million grant from the Tokyo-based Ishibashi Foundation. Working in collaboration with Islamic communities in the Greater Boston area and beyond, Mansour will draw on the Museum’s collection—among the most important holdings of Islamic art in the country—to create innovative exhibitions, publications and public programs. This new curatorial position—the MFA’s first focused solely on Islamic art—was established through a $2.5 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Religion and Cultural Institutions Initiative, which was given to the Museum in 2020. Mansour will begin her new role at the MFA on September 1. |