Photo by Chutze Chou |
Photo by Chutze Chou |
W. Tompkins,二個月前曾舉辦過一次波士頓市長候選人論壇,把6名主要參選者邀進獄政大樓,讓有投票權的在監人犯有機會聆聽他們的政見,也讓這些候選人設身處地從在監人犯的角度考慮一些政策問題。
Steve W. Tompkins也直言,他和吳弭在優先為人們精神健康、經濟支持上,看法一致,都希望找方法幫助囚犯,在他們獲釋後,能夠順利地重新融入社會,避免再回到監獄。Steve
W. Tompkins還設立了「共同點學院 (Common Ground Institute)」這職業培訓項目,教給囚犯們一套職業技能。
愛默生學院(Emerson)和第7號電視台最近合辦的一次民意調查顯示,25%的選民心意仍然未決,黑人選民投票給Kim Janey或Andrea Campbell這2名黑人女性參選人的機率更高。在這次的民調中,Kim Janey得到的支持率為31%,Andrea Campbell得到24%。Suffolk County Sheriff Steve Tompkins Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston
Tompkins has been a leader in economic empowerment programs, creating the innovative “Common Ground Institute,” a vocational training and re–entry program that teaches marketable vocation skills in a classroom setting.
“I have known Michelle for nearly a decade, and over that span, I have seen firsthand the pure devotion to service that she has for the City of Boston and the people and organizations that operate within its borders,” said Sheriff Steve Tompkins. “With her tireless advocacy for more addiction recovery treatment and services for people struggling with mental illness, fair and equitable public transportation, housing that is truly affordable, public safety, access to quality education, and work on a host of other quality-of-life issues that are important to the residents, businesses and agencies of Boston, I am both incredibly proud to be able to give my support to Michelle and supremely confident in her ability to bring this city to its next level of greatness.”
“I’m honored to earn the endorsement of my friend, Sheriff Steve Tompkins. Sheriff Tompkins has worked for years to provide educational opportunities, economic development and reentry support for formerly incarcerated community members. I look forward to partnering with him in City Hall to ensure all our neighborhoods have the resources they need to be safe, supported and healthy,” said Michelle Wu.
Steven W. Tompkins, a member of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department since 2002, was appointed to serve as the Sheriff of Suffolk County on January 22nd, 2013 by Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and was elected in November of 2014.
Sheriff Tompkins is the President of the Massachusetts Sheriff’s Association – his second time serving in this capacity – and is an engaged community leader and respected advocate, currently serving as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Roxbury Community College and as the inaugural President of the Massachusetts Chapter of NOBLE (National Organization of Law Enforcement Executives). He previously served as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for Roxbury Community College, and completed a three-year term as a member of the prestigious Emerging Adult Justice Learning Community at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In 2011, Tompkins was appointed by Governor Patrick to serve as a Board member of the Boston Finance Commission. Sheriff Tompkins also serves on the Foundation Board and formerly served as chair of the Community Service Board for the Dimock Center, a Roxbury-based community health center that provides convenient access to quality medical and mental health care and human services. The Sheriff previously served as the Dimock Center’s Director of Marketing and Public Affairs prior to joining the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department.