星期一, 8月 23, 2021

Kim Janey 推出電視廣告 強調她的波士頓居民經驗

          (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓代市長Kim Janey的競選陣營(23)日宣佈,推出第一則競選電視廣告,談她的生活經驗,以及她對波士頓居民所面對挑戰的第一手經驗,她說,因為她曾親身體會過。她也重點強調她代表波士頓人做的一些事,包括擴大可負擔住宅,改革警察局,把疫苗注射進人們的手臂中。

                          這則30秒長的電視廣告,標題是經驗,將於週二在某些有線及無線電視台,以英語,西班牙語播映。這是Kim Janey購買,數以十萬元計的廣告之一。

                   在這廣告中,Kim Janey說,「我和前任市長們的不同是什麼?   經驗。我是Kim Janey11歲時我經歷了巴士隔離政策,16歲時我當了母親,甚至曾經住過庇護所。我知道波士頓的挑戰,因我我經歷過。那就是為什麼我擴大可負擔住宅項目,改革我們的警察局,並儘可能地把疫苗注射進更多人的手臂。我們要確保每個鄰里都能夠感到安全、快樂……而我們才正開始」。


The ad highlights her lived experience, making history as first woman and Black Mayor of Boston, and her work on behalf of residents

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BOSTON – Boston Mayor Kim Janey, in the first television advertisement of her campaign, talks about her lived experience and firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing Boston residents — because, as she says in the ad, “I have lived them.” She also highlights some of the work she has done on behalf of the people of Boston, including expanding affordable housing, reforming the Police Department and getting vaccines into arms. 


The 30-second spot, entitled “Experience,” will begin airing on Tuesday, in English and Spanish, on select cable and broadcast outlets as part of a six-figure advertising buy. In the ad Janey says:

“What’s the difference between me and every mayor before me? Experience. I’m Kim Janey and I experienced desegregation busing at 11, motherhood at 16, even lived in a shelter. I know Boston’s challenges because I lived them. It’s why I’m expanding affordable housing programs, reforming our Police Department and getting vaccines into as many arms as possible. We’re making sure that every neighborhood can experience safety and joy… and we’re just getting started.”
