星期三, 8月 18, 2021

波士頓市3000萬元可負擔住宅補助款徵計畫 8/25有申請說明會


New funding will support the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Boston’s neighborhoods


BOSTON - Wednesday, August 18, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey announced today that the City of Boston has released two Request for Proposals (RFP), offering $30 million for affordable housing projects seeking financial support from the City of Boston. This funding is available for rental, cooperative, and homeownership developments. There will be a virtual Applicants Conference on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 10:00 am. Interested applicants may register here. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent by Friday, August 27, 2021, and a final proposal by September 24, 2021. 

"Addressing rising housing costs is critical to preserving the diversity and character of Boston’s neighborhoods," said Mayor Janey. "My administration has made it a priority to increase affordability and stop displacement. We are committing more than $30 million to preserve and create housing that accelerates equity in every neighborhood and provides residents and families with affordable options."

The City, the Community Preservation Committee and the Neighborhood Housing Trust will prioritize projects that produce significant percentages of housing for residents with extremely low-income, that serve homeless individuals, seniors, or residents with disabilities. The housing should promote the City of Boston’s goals to affirmatively further fair housing and efficiently use City resources and/or land to increase the supply of housing available to low- and moderate-income households.  This year’s funding also prioritizes projects in neighborhoods that fall below the City-wide average of 19 percent of neighborhood housing stock that is income-restricted. 

“This RFP represents an important opportunity to make Boston more affordable for the people who live and work in our City.  The City’s commitment to producing and preserving both rental and homeownership opportunities for low-income residents is central to creating a more equitable city,” said Teronda Ellis, Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation.

This year’s RFPs enhance the City’s long-standing focus on advancing equity in every stage of the housing creation or preservation process.  

The RFP requires developers to report on how they will ensure minority-owned businesses (MBE) are represented throughout the development and property management process.  The RFP priorities will include a preference for projects where 20 percent or more of the project is owned by an MBE or 20 percent or more of a project’s soft costs are awarded to minority-owned firms.  Applicants must also provide how resident services offered in multi-family development will help support economic mobility for residents who live in affordable housing units.

“It is fantastic to see the City of Boston and the Department of Neighborhood Development challenging the status quo and putting racial and gender equity at the forefront of their affordable housing program,” said Travis Watson, Director of Racial Equity and Community Engagement at the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation.  “It's holistic approaches to development like this that have a real potential to chip away at both the racial and gender wealth gaps.”

The City encourages developers to build in accessibility for all through the application of universal design principles throughout their projects. Furthering the City’s commitment to a Carbon Neutral Boston by 2050, the RFPs also require that proposers of new construction demonstrate a plan to achieve zero emissions in their new buildings. 

“The Department of Neighborhood Development has taken an important step in securing a cleaner future for the City of Boston,” said Rickie Harvey, co-founder and steering team member of the Boston Clean Energy Coalition (BCEC). “The enhanced requirements will help ensure that the next generation of affordable housing in Boston reduces the City’s carbon footprint, is affordable to live in, and contributes to healthier and more equitable communities.”

Funds will be awarded from three sources: the first, more than $10 million, consists of funds administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The Neighborhood Housing Trust Fund (NHT) is making available up to $10 million to support the creation and preservation of affordable housing developments that meet the needs of the homeless, low- and moderate-income individuals and households in Boston. The third source is approximately $10 million from Community Preservation Act funds. 
