芝加哥及華府訊-2021年8月4日 – 在食物外送市場上領先的公司Grubhub和全國亞裔總商會(National
Grubhub餐館部資深副總裁Kevin Kearns表示,「這些餐館所提供,有著無與倫比多樣性的菜餚,是全國每個城市文化結構的重要部分」,「當每家餐館都受到病毒大流行影響之際,亞裔社區及其企業經歷了可怕,而且高漲幅度讓人無法接受的仇恨犯罪及歧視。那就是為什麼我們很驕傲,能夠和全國亞裔總商會合作,來回饋需要幫助,以重新站穩腳步的亞裔所擁有的餐館」。
從2021年8月4日起,直至8月31日,「亞裔堅強餐館基金」將接受全美所有亞裔所擁有的餐館申請。有意申請的亞裔所擁有餐館必須符合以下所有條件;餐館必須大部分(至少51%)為亞裔太平洋島民或夏威夷土著所擁有;座落地在美國、2019年時一直在營運;目前也還在營運;提供主要的持牌照活動為”料理及供應食物”,而且最多在三個地點營運的證明。這項活動是由全美亞裔總商會和各州亞裔商會合作。因為資金有限,由各州亞裔商會,從100 名商家中,選出 15 名餐廳,其中最需要補助經費,並且在疫情期間,有儘自己一己之力,參與社區救助活動的亞裔餐廳。
National ACE Launches AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund in Partnership with Grubhub to Help Struggling AAPI-owned Restaurants
Independent restaurants across the country can apply for a grant up to $10,000 through the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Program
CHICAGO and WASHINGTON, D.C., August 4, 2021 -- Grubhub, a leading food-delivery marketplace, and the National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (National ACE) have announced a new grant program to support independent, AAPI-owned restaurants. With the industry facing new challenges post-pandemic, the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund is available to help restaurants respond to those challenges and recover from the effects of the pandemic through monetary grants, such as paying employees' wages or repairing damage to the restaurant caused by discrimination or bias.
“Our AAPI-owned restaurants have experienced severe losses throughout the pandemic and even worse, are victims of hate, discrimination, and bias at their place of business,” said Chiling Tong President and CEO of National ACE. "Grubhub's ongoing commitment to AAPI-owned restaurants is demonstrated by the support they provided during AAPI Heritage Month. The contributions from Grubhub and its diners will provide hope for AAPI restaurant owners that were not eligible for PPP or RRF funds."
The AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund will be supported with a $2 million donation from their “Donate the Change” program. Throughout the month of May, Grubhub customers opted-in to round up their bill at checkout and donate the difference to support AAPI-owned restaurants, with Grubhub also matching donations from Grubhub+ members. Eligible restaurants across the country will be able to apply for a $10,000 or $8,000 grant with nearly 200 restaurants being awarded in September. AAPI-owned restaurants were among the hardest hit during the pandemic’s early days. By April 2020, roughly half of the Chinese restaurants in the U.S. had closed because of the pandemic, coupled with consumer prejudice and misperceptions.
“The unparalleled diversity of cuisines offered by restaurants is an important part of the cultural fabric of every city across the country,” said Kevin Kearns, senior vice president of restaurants at Grubhub. "While every restaurant has been impacted by the pandemic, the AAPI community and its businesses have experienced a horrific and unacceptable rise in hate crimes and discrimination. That is why we are proud to partner with National ACE to give back to AAPI-owned restaurants that need a little extra help to get back on their feet.”
Starting August 4, 2021 through August 31, 2021, the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund will accept grant applications from all AAPI-owned restaurants across the country. To qualify for grant assistance, AAPI-owned restaurants must satisfy all of the following requirements: The restaurant must be Asian American/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian (AAPI) majority-owned (at least 51%), based in the United States, must have been operational in 2019, be currently in operation, show proof of their primary licensed activity as "the preparation and serving of food,” and operate in a maximum of three locations.
The application period will close on August 31, 201, and grants will be fully dist
ributed to restaurants by early October. Interested restaurants can learn more about the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund and the full application process at www.nationalace.org/aapistrong-restaurant-fund.