星期二, 8月 17, 2021


 Boston City Council to hold hearing on ZBA reforms proposed by Councilor Edwards

WHAT: The Boston City Council will hold a hearing to get updates from the administration on the implementation of reforms to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) that were first proposed by Councilor Lydia Edwards and signed into policy through executive order by Mayor Walsh. The executive order, signed in February of 2020, established an 18 month window for the implementation of reforms that would make the board’s operations more transparent and accessible. These changes include the ability for residents to view electronic plans of proposals, email notification for abutters, and lower financial disclosure thresholds for applicants appearing before the board. During this year’s budget process, Acting Mayor Janey’s administration confirmed that these changes would be done on time.

During the hearing, the council will also discuss the home rule petition (H.2201) that Councilor Edwards filed that would bring broader reform to the ZBA including term limits and stronger conflict of interest protections. 

WHERE: Virtual - livestreamed at boston.gov/city-council-tv

WHEN: Tuesday, August 17 at 11am

FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.boston.gov/public-notices/15759691

Hearing chair - Michelle Wu
