星期一, 12月 21, 2020

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn提醒市民檢查居家水管是否含鉛需更換 最高補助2000元

            (Boston Orange波士頓報導)波士頓市民眾如果擔心家中水管含鉛,可以聯繫波士頓水務及下水道局(Boston Water and Sewer Commission)做檢查,若需更換水管,可獲得最高2000元補助。

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)日前舉辦網上公聽會,和波士頓市的水及下水道基礎設施問題,和波士頓水務及下水道局(BWSC),波士頓地下水信託會(BGwT)討論如何維持波士頓市的水質安全,以及下水道的基礎設施維修等相關議題。

波士頓水務及下水道局首席工程師John Sullivan在匯報概況時提及,該局正在辨認及更換鉛管,鼓勵市民如果懷疑自己的住家水管是鉛做的,就和該局連繫做檢查,若需更換,最高可得2000元補助。



波士頓地下水信託會(BGwT)執行主任Christian Simonelli也在會上講述了他的工作,以及在波士頓市許多地方保持地下水位淹沒地基下的木樁,以防止木樁腐爛的重要性。


民眾查詢公聽會相關資訊,可上網https://www.boston.gov/public-notices/13675546,或電洽愛德華費林市議員辦公室617-635-3203,或 Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov

Councilor Flynn Holds Hearing on Water & Sewer Infrastructure 


BOSTON - Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn held a virtual hearing on issues relating to water and sewer infrastructure in the city yesterday. The hearing included panelists from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) and the Boston Groundwater Trust (BGwT), and discussed the safety and maintenance of our water and sewer infrastructure, services provided by BWSC, and other related issues.  


In the hearing, John Sullivan, the Chief Engineer from BWSC, gave a presentation about the work that the commission is doing to maintain water and sewer infrastructure and water safety. In particular, he spoke about BWSC’s work in identifying and replacing lead pipes, and urged that if residents suspect that their house might have lead pipes, they can contact BWSC for an inspection, and can get up to $2,000 in credits for the cost of a pipe replacement.


He also advised that to ensure that lead is not in their drinking water, residents should run their cold water faucets in the morning for 30 seconds to 2 minutes or until the water feels cold prior to using the water for drinking or cooking. Also discussed was the Betterment Policy for residents with private ways open to public travel who wish to connect their private sewers to BWSC’s system, as well as public testimonies from residents about their experience with private sewers, lead pipes, and other issues. Christian Simonelli, the Executive Director of the BGwT, also spoke about his work and the importance of maintaining our groundwater level that submerges the wood pilings beneath foundation in many parts of the city, which is critical in preventing the wood pilings from rotting. 


“Reliable and safe water and sewer infrastructure is at the very foundation of the basic city services that a local government must provide to its residents. Without maintaining the integrity of our system and clean water, our modern city’s economic conditions and outlook would be in jeopardy. I want to thank the panelists, colleagues, and residents who attended for an informative discussion on our water and sewer infrastructure,” said Councilor Flynn. “It is critical that our system remains safe and well maintained, and that there are policies in place to ensure that residents have access to safe drinking water and sewer service. I look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders on this issue.”


For more information on the hearing, please visit https://www.boston.gov/public-notices/13675546, or contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 or Ed.Flynn@Boston.gov.
