星期一, 12月 21, 2020


哈佛大學著名中國問題學者傅高義(Ezra F. Vogel)辭世,享年90歲。



根據維基百科,傅高義逝於劍橋市Mount Auburn醫院。

Dear Asia Center Community, 

It is with our deepest sadness that we convey the news of the passing of Ezra F. Vogel (1930-2020). Professor Vogel was the founding director of the Harvard University Asia Center (1997-1999). He remained an active supporter and close friend of the Asia Center throughout his distinguished career.  We will all miss his insightful scholarship and the kind and generous spirit he brought to all interactions with faculty, staff, and students. We will keep you informed as plans develop to properly honor his memory and celebrate his lifetime of achievements. 

James Robson
Victor and William Fung Director, Harvard University Asia Center
