星期三, 12月 23, 2020

麻州府宣佈6億6800萬元紓困方案 小企業最高可得7萬5000元

麻州長Charlie Baker表示不論聯邦政府的紓困方案結果如何,麻州
               (Boston Orange周菊子整理報導)麻州政府今(23)日推出66800萬元紓困方案,預定下週開始發放,以幫助小企業渡過新冠病毒(COVID-19)大流行難關。這方案有一部分經費要仰賴國會最近通過的聯邦政府紓困方案。

                  麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,無論聯邦層級的紓困方案有什麼樣的發展,麻州政府都會從下週開始發放新一輪經費給州內的餐館,零售商,以及其他的小企業。

                   麻州政府在本周稍早時宣佈,將經由麻州成長資本(Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation)發放4900萬元,支持1158家小企業。爭取申請這經費的小企業,多達1萬零700家。

麻州副州長Karyn Polito說明補助細節。(周菊子攝)



麻州住宅及經濟發展卿Mike Kennealy說明今秋已申請,還未領到


            查詢資格要求,申請辦法,可上網 www.empoweringsmallbusiness.org.。(更新版)

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $668 Million Small Business Relief Package

Additional businesses will be awarded as soon as next week through the Mass Growth Capital Corporation

– Today, the Baker-Polito Administration launched a $668 million program to provide financial assistance to Massachusetts small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program in part relies on the pending federal COVID-19 relief bill recently passed by Congress. Regardless of the developments at the federal level, the Baker-Polito Administration will start releasing millions in new funding to restaurants, retailers, and other small businesses throughout the Commonwealth as soon as next week.    

Earlier this week, the Administration announced nearly $49 million in grants through the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) COVID-19 Small Business Program to support over 1,158 small businesses. More than 10,000 applicants had sought relief in this grant round.

Additional grants will be made available to eligible small businesses through MGCC. The Small Business Grant Program was established in the fall, and currently has a pool of eligible applicants awaiting funding. This additional funding will allow the Administration to award more of those pending applicants. Eligible businesses that already applied to the program, but were not funded due to limited funds available, will be prioritized for funding first and do not need to reapply.

The funds will also be used to stand up an additional grant program at MGCC. This program will target the industries most hard-hit during the pandemic.

Eligible industries for the new program include:

  • Restaurants, bars, caterers
  • Indoor recreation and entertainment establishments
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Event-support professionals (photographers, videographers, etc.)
  • Personal services
  • Retail

The new business relief program would offer grants up to $75,000, but not more than three months’ operating expenses, to be used for employee wage and benefits costs, space-related costs, and debt service obligations.

The online application portal for the new program will open on Thursday, December 31, and will close on Friday, January 15. Awards are expected to be announced in early February.

More details on how to apply and eligibility requirements are available at www.empoweringsmallbusiness.org.
