

City of Boston, 11/16/2020
Boston Cultural Council grants are available to medium-sized
organizations with budgets under $2 million. Grants support arts
programming including music, film and video, folk and traditional art,
visual art, theater, dance, humanities, literary arts, performance or
time-based arts, social and civic practices, and multi-disciplinary arts.
Max award: $5,000.
New this week: Classics for Kids Foundation, 12/31/2020
Matching grants are available to K-12 schools and nonprofit organizations
to help purchase stringed instruments.
Mass Cultural Council, 1/15/2021
MassDevelopment is pleased to approve the opening of another round of the
Cultural Facilities Fund,
a critical resource for helping cultural organizations across the
Commonwealth build, renovate, and improve their facilities – including
through upgrades that address COVID-19-related health and safety
infrastructure needs.
The Mayor's Office of Arts & Culture lists additional
funding resources here.
The Creative Capital
blog lists a variety of resources and opportunities.




City of Boston, Open
The Boston Resiliency Fund helps coordinate philanthropic efforts to
provide essential services to Boston residents whose health and
well-being are most immediately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Funding priorities: providing food to Boston's children, families, and
seniors; providing technology to Boston Public Schools students for
remote learning; and providing support to first responders, front-line
workers, and healthcare workers so they can effectively do their jobs and
promote public health.
City of Boston, 10/28/2020
The Parks and Recreation Department requests proposals from an Urban
Forest planning consultant to develop an equitable vision for the
protection and expansion of the City's tree canopy goals.
Beacon Hill Community Fund, 11/1/2020
Funding priorities: Arts and Education, Youth Sports and Recreation, Day
Care Centers, Playgrounds, activities for Seniors and persons with
Special Needs and Disabilities, Community Gardens and Spaces, Affordable
Housing, Social Services, and other activities that serve the public
interest. Grants range from $500 to $10,000.
now: City of Boston, 11/9/2020
Youth Development Fund grants are available through the Mayor’s
offices of Public Safety and Health & Human Services. Funding
priorities: violence prevention, intervention, or response services. Max
award: $100,000.
New this week: National Geographic Society, 11/15/2020
The COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists is intended to support
journalists worldwide who are delivering news to underserved populations,
particularly where there is a dearth of evidence-based information
getting to those who need it. Grants range from $1,000 to $8,000.
New this week: Haymarket People’s Fund, 12/2/2020
Funding objective: strengthening the movement for social justice
throughout New England. Funding categories: Sustaining Grants and Urgent
Response Grants. Use of funds: General Operating and Project-Specific.
Awards range from $4,000 to $10,000.
New this week: US Department of Labor, 12/31/2020
Stand Down grants of $7,000 or $10,000 will support one- to three-day
events that connect homeless veterans to supplies and services, such as
food, shelter, clothing, health screenings and VA Social Security
benefits counseling. Veterans can also receive referrals to other
assistance such as health care, housing solutions, employment, substance
use treatment and mental health counseling. Stand Downs are collaborative
events, coordinated between local VA Medical Centers, the Department of
Labor, other government agencies and community-based homeless service
New this week: Citizens Bank, Open
Funding priorities: hunger/food insecurity; money management/financial
literacy; economic development; job training; small business development;
affordable housing; neighborhood revitalization. Funding focus: direct
service to low- or moderate-income populations.
Confirm your City of Boston residency here, as
part of the annual city census. This also protects your voting rights.
Learn More About Voter Registration and the 2020
Election Process Here.




City of Boston, Open
The Reopen Boston
Fund was established to help small businesses minimize risk and manage
economic recovery. Eligible costs include Personal Protective Equipment,
safety partitions for customers and employees, and managing outdoor space
that’s approved for business use. The grants are for brick-and-mortar
businesses, with fewer than 15 employees, where people work close to each
other or to customers.
Boston Local Development Corporation, Open
The Standard BLDC Loan Fund is available for existing businesses, new
ventures, and businesses relocating to Boston. Loans range from $25,000
to $150,000. The Backstreets Boston Back-up Loan Program provides financing
of up to $250,000 for Boston companies in the industrial and
manufacturing sectors. Also, BLDC recently received a $693,000 CARES Act
Recovery Assistance grant from the Economic Development Administration at
the US Department of Commerce to capitalize and administer a Revolving
Loan Fund to provide loans to coronavirus-impacted small businesses in
Boston. For more information, contact Bill Nickerson or Gisella
Act now: City of Boston, Open
The Rental Relief Fund will help income-eligible tenants in the City of
Boston who do not have access to expanded unemployment benefits, or
because of the nature of their jobs, the unemployment benefits they will
receive represent a significant reduction in their actual income.
Application materials are available in multiple languages.
New this week: The
US Small Business Administration has released a simpler
loan forgiveness application for Paycheck Protection Program loans of
$50,000 or less. Here are the
Act now: Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation,
COVID-19 grants help businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic.
Preference will be given to small businesses whose owners are women,
minorities, veterans, and members of other underrepresented groups, who
are focused on serving Gateway Cities and those most negatively impacted
by the COVID-19 pandemic. Preference will also be given to applicants
that have not been able to receive aid from other federal programs
related to COVID-19.
New this week: US Department of Commerce, 12/3/2020
The SPRINT Challenge seeks to rapidly address the economic, health, and
safety risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship and
innovation. Registration is now open for the webinar on 10/28/2020 at 2PM
Eastern, which will provide a strategic overview, highlight program
goals, and address technical application questions. Awards range from
$500,000 to $750,000.
Mayor’s Office of Economic Development holds
Virtual Office Hours on Wednesdays
from 11AM to 1PM.
Learn about becoming a City of Boston-certified Minority/Woman-Owned




Bezos Scholars Program, 1/11/2021
Seeking passionate and intellectually curious young people who are rising
leaders in their schools and communities. Student applicants are required
to identify and a trusted adult from their school to become their
educator nominee. A formal recommendation is also required.
National Science Foundation, 1/15/2021 and
Law & Science grants support research that explores connections
between human behavior and law, legal institutions, or legal processes;
or the interactions of law and basic sciences, including biology,
computer and information sciences, STEM education, engineering,
geosciences, and math and physical sciences. Past awards have ranged from
$25,000 to $1M.
US Department of Education, 11/4/2020
Center for Excellence grants encourage institutions of higher education
to develop model programs to support veteran student success in
postsecondary education by coordinating services to address the academic,
financial, physical, and social needs of veteran students. Max award
American Association of University Women, 11/1/2020
- 12/1/2020
American Fellowships
support women scholars who are pursuing full-time study to complete
dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing
research for publication for eight consecutive weeks.
Career Development
grants provide funding to women who hold a bachelor’s degree and are
preparing to advance or change careers or re-enter the workforce in
education, health and medical sciences, or social sciences.
Community Action Grants
support innovative programs that promote education and equity through
projects focused on encouraging girls to select, before entering college,
the physical sciences or engineering as a career.




New this week: Sanofi Genzyme, 11/15/2020
Requests for Community Relations Contributions are reviewed quarterly;
applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
New this week: Movember, 11/23/2020
In partnership with The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, Movember is proud
to announce a new mental health grants funding program in support of
First Responders, as well as their families. Grants will support current
programs showing promise in improving the mental health of men and to
build the evidence for effective interventions.
New this week: National Institutes of Health, 12/1/2020
Community Interventions
to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Health
Disparity and Vulnerable Populations grants support
implementation and evaluation of community interventions that test the
impacts of mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in
NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups.
The program also supports the implementation or evaluation of existing,
new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial,
behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic on the health
of these groups. This R-01 grant allows for multiple, distinct
submissions, and also re-submissions. Pre-award costs are allowed. Max
budget: $500,000.
Health Resources & Services
Administration, 1/21/2021
Funding goal: to increase the supply of behavioral health professionals
while also improving distribution of a quality behavioral health
workforce and thereby increasing access to behavioral health services. A
special focus is placed on the knowledge and understanding of children,
adolescents, and transitional-aged youth at risk for behavioral health
disorders. Max award: $480,000.
Healthcare Solutions Network, Open
Grants support under-resourced public and charter schools to implement
and expand access to quality behavioral health and general pediatric
services on school campuses. Community
Grants (up to $100,000) require a 40% match. Principal Grants provide
up to $5,000 per academic year to principals of K-12 schools in selected
states, as well as a mental health professional to support student
behavioral health services on campus.




GrantStation offers a searchable database of COVID-19
now: Borealis Philanthropy
The goal of the REACH Fund is to resource racial equity practitioners -
the individuals and institutions working closely with nonprofit groups on
the ground to advance their racial equity work internally and externally
- who are independent consultants, a team of individual consultants,
capacity building organizations, or firms.
New this week: Temper of the Times Foundation, 12/15/2020
Grants support marketing concepts to increase awareness about wildland
ecosystem conservation and restoration initiatives. Grants range from
$5,000 to $15,000.
Bank of America and Philanthropy Massachusetts,
The Nonprofit Learning Institute is a series of technical assistance and
capacity building sessions with the goal of fostering and empowering
leaders in the Massachusetts nonprofit sector. Funding focus: supporting
nonprofit leaders who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color. The
applicant’s annual operating budget should be between $500,000 and $2M
Red Sox Foundation, Open
Funding focus: children, families, veterans, and communities in need.
Funding priorities: health, educational, and recreational opportunities.
Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000.
National Science Foundation, 1/29/2021
The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace program welcomes proposals that
address cybersecurity and privacy, and draw on expertise in one or more
of these areas: computing, communication and information sciences;
engineering; education; mathematics; statistics; and social, behavioral,
and economic sciences. Awards will range from $50,000 to $3M.


