星期三, 10月 28, 2020


             (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓體育會(BAA)(28)日宣佈,第125屆波士頓馬拉松賽將至少延期到2021年秋季,才可能舉行。

                                            波士頓馬拉松賽傳統上都在4月份第三個星期一,麻州的愛國者日(Patriot’s Day)舉行。波士頓體育會一直都在定期和新冠病毒(CVID-19)醫療及活動營運顧問團開會,以決定什麼時候,怎麼樣才能再辦波士頓馬拉松賽,現在將開始和地方,市府及州府官員,贊助者,組織委員會成員,以及其他相關人士合作,再決定2021年秋天是否可行的日期。

波士頓體育會執行長Tom Grilk表示,鑒於從現在到明年的愛國者日只剩下不到6個月的時間,而路賽是直到麻州重新開放計畫進入第4期以前都禁止的事,該會因此無法在明年4月舉辦這場比賽。




2021 Boston Marathon Will Not Take Place in April
B.A.A. to Seek Rescheduled Date in Fall 2021


BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced that the 125th Boston Marathon, traditionally held on the third Monday in April—Patriots’ Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts—will be postponed until at least the fall of 2021. The B.A.A., which has been meeting regularly with its COVID-19 Medical & Event Operations Advisory Group to determine when and how the Boston Marathon can be held again, will begin working with local, city, and state officials, sponsors, organizing committee members, and other stakeholders to determine if a fall 2021 date is feasible.


“With fewer than six months until Patriots’ Day and with road races prohibited until Phase 4 of the Massachusetts reopening plan, we are unable to host the Boston Marathon this coming April,” said Tom Grilk, C.E.O. of the B.A.A. “By shifting our focus to a fall date, we can continue to work with stakeholders to adjust the in-person experience for runners and supporters alike. Prioritizing the safety of participants, volunteers, spectators, and community members, we continue to assess all elements of the race including a potential reduced field size or weekend date.”


No 2021 date has been selected, however, the B.A.A. will work with local, city, and state officials and members of its COVID-19 Medical & Event Operations Advisory Group to establish under what conditions the next live, in-person Boston Marathon can occur. Before the end of the year, the B.A.A. seeks to announce a new date. Other details such as when registration may open and the field size, pending local regulations and the event plan, will also be forthcoming. Information regarding other 2021 B.A.A. events, including the B.A.A. 5K, B.A.A. 10K, and B.A.A. Half Marathon, will be announced at a later date.


“We are optimistic that the Boston Marathon will continue its tradition of celebrating the spirit of community and athletic excellence next fall. We know there will be many questions and we will look to address them in the coming months ahead,” Grilk said.


The 2020 Boston Marathon, originally scheduled for April 20, was held as a ten-day Virtual Experience after being canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Established in 1887, the Boston Athletic Association is a non-profit organization with a mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running. The B.A.A. manages the Boston Marathon, and also supports comprehensive charity, youth, and year-round programming. The Boston Marathon is part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, along with international marathons in Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City. Since 1986, the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon has been John Hancock. For more information on the B.A.A., please visit www.baa.org

