星期五, 10月 23, 2020

吳弭等17聯邦州市議員聯名 譴責波市校委主席歧視亞裔

 Statement Regarding Boston School Committee

During the public testimony portion of last night’s virtual Boston School Committee meeting, Chair Michael Loconto was heard making comments mocking the names of several Asian American residents who signed up to testify. 

These comments were not only deeply offensive, but blatantly racist and harmful to our efforts to create policy in partnership with community members impacted by these important decisions. Many individuals in our communities have faced this type of racism our entire lives. This behavior has been normalized and emboldened by the hateful rhetoric of this current Presidential administration and its allies, recently highlighted in Sen. David Purdue’s public mocking of Vice Presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris’ name. We cannot let this stand in Boston.

Names carry deep significance and are fundamental to our identity and pride as a people. And yet our names have historically been weaponized for racist rhetoric, feeding stereotypes that cause so many to be seen as perpetual foreigners in this country. Last night’s incident reinforces not only the history of racial discrimination, but also a pattern of residents and families of color being shut out of important decisions and spaces of power in our city.   

This type of discrimination cannot and will not be tolerated from any leader who has the privilege of serving our communities, especially at a time when we should all be coming together to solve the crises stemming from this pandemic.

Mr. Loconto’s resignation is a step in the right direction. But we must not lose focus. We must restore trust with BPS families, and urge action to ensure accessibility, inclusion, and equity in all decisions in the City of Boston, Suffolk County, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Michelle Wu, Boston City Councilor, At-Large
Kim Janey, Boston City Council President, District 7

Ricardo Arroyo, Boston City Councilor, District 5

Kenzie Bok, Boston City Councilor, District 8

Liz Breadon, Boston City Councilor, District 9

Lydia Edwards, Boston City Councilor, District 1

Annissa Essaibi-George, Boston City Councilor, At-Large 

Michael Flaherty, Boston City Councilor, At-Large

Ed Flynn, Boston City Councilor, District 2

Julia Mejia, Boston City Councilor, At-Large 

Matt O’Malley, Boston City Councilor, District 6

Nika Elugardo, State Representative, 15th Suffolk District

Sonia Chang-Díaz, State Senator, 2nd Suffolk District 

Russell Holmes, State Representative, 6th Suffolk District

Jon Santiago, State Representative, 9th Suffolk District 

Rachael Rollins, District Attorney, Suffolk County

Ayanna Pressley, U.S. Representative, MA 7th Congressional District 
