星期六, 6月 29, 2019

MIT CEO請胡啟朝分享能源創業經驗 (圖片)


【MIT CEO 炉边谈话 | 11】
SolidEnergy Systems胡启朝:电池技术创新创业中的机遇和挑战

 炉边谈话是MIT CEO的系列活动的形式之一。每一期炉边谈话,我们会邀请创业领域的杰出人物作为嘉宾,给小伙伴们分享创业故事并进行近距离的互动交流。

 本期炉边谈话也是 MIT CEO Energy Community 活动的第一场.

        Dr. Qichao Hu (胡启朝博士) 是SolidEnergy Systems的创始人和CEO。胡博士于2007年获麻省理工学院物理学士学位,于2012年获哈佛大学应用物理博士学位。在博士期间师从MIT教授、电池领域著名科学家Donald Sadoway,从事基于固态聚合物的可充锂金属电池的研究。

       启朝在取得博士学位之后在MIT继续了一年的博士后研究,并建立了SolidEnergy Systems ,致力于全固态锂金属电池的产品开发和商业化。至今公司相继获得四轮融资,累计融资额超过8000万美元,成为储能领域的明星公司。目前该公司推出了三个产品系列,分别针对无人机、消费数码产品和电动汽车市场。SolidEnergy Systems曾获得诸多荣誉,包括 MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition’s Accelerator Contest 第一名, MIT Clean Energy Prize 决赛奖, 以及在白宫举行的DOE Clean Energy Prize 第二名等。胡启朝博士也入选 MIT TR35 以及 Forbes 30 under 30.

Dr. Qichao Hu    Qichao Hu (胡啟朝)

【Time】 Friday, June 28th, 2019 6:00-8:00 pm

【Venue】MIT Building E51 (Tang Center),
2 Amherst Street, Cambridge 02140

Room will be announced later via email to selected participants who have registered.


【Language】 Chinese

【Hosts】 MIT CEO (Energy Community)

【About Speaker】

 During Ph.D., Dr. Hu Initially studied photonics the manipulation of light, but didn't see the value in it and dropped out of Harvard after 2 years. Went to MIT and worked on several clean energy related projects in solar, energy policies, water purification, utility trading, got fired three times, and eventually ended up in a battery project. It was a soul searching period to find his place in the world.

After leaving Harvard and joining Prof. Sadoway's lab, He worked on solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) rechargeable lithium metal battery, and developed the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery.

The development of the polymer ionic liquid (PIL) rechargeable lithium metal battery in Prof. Sadoway's group eventually paved the way for the "Anode-free" battery that is at the core of SolidEnergy.

In 2012, he spent more time in the energy club and Sloan entrepreneurship center than in the battery lab, built the SolidEnergy team and actively participated in business plan competitions and won MIT$100K, MIT Clean Energy Prize, DOE Clean Energy Prize, and
 runner-up at the National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition. Most student teams ended after competitions, but he went on to build a real company.

 In the fall of 2012, several large US battery companies filed for bankruptcy including A123, investors that were initially excited about battery start up could't run away faster. It turned out to be one of the worst meltdowns in the history of the US lithium
 battery industry. He couldn't raise any funding (the competition prize money was drying up quickly), so he visited A123 on a "dumpster hunting" trip, and found lots of idling equipment and employees, so he asked them if they could help him build batteries.
 Initially they laughed, but then they taught him the whole process and before long he was going to A123 on weekends and evenings to build battery prototypes with SolidEnergy materials.

 Then in the spring of 2013, A123 was bought and came out of bankruptcy. Dr. Hu officially formed a partnership with A123. In September, investors were impressed by the prototypes and they raised Series A, and officially started SolidEnergy Systems...

