星期六, 6月 08, 2019

波士頓支援香港人反引渡條例 6/9 遊行

Boston Solidarity with Hong Kong Against the Extradition Law

The Hong Kong government has recently proposed an amendment to the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinances. The bill, which followed a minimal public comment period and could face a final vote before July 2019, would amend Hong Kong’s laws to allow extraditions to mainland China. A broad range of offenses would be eligible for extradition, and the bill would remove independent legislative oversight in the extradition process. Such changes would undermine the strong legal protections guaranteed in Hong Kong and leave the territory exposed to Beijing’s weak legal system and politically motivated charges. The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission has also taken a position against the proposed bill as it will severely undermine Hong Kong autonomy and threaten United States citizens presently living or working in Hong Kong.

On June 9, global citizens from a totaled of 27 cities, will come together to present a united front in support of their fellow citizens of Hong Kong and have coordinated an unprecedented global protest––from Boston to Washington DC, New York City, as far as the UK, Germany and Australia––to oppose this massive threat to the “One Country, Two Systems” promise.

The Boston March details:
Date: 9th June, 2019
Time: 2 PM (Eastern Time)
Starting Location: Massachusetts State House (24 Beacon St)
Ending Location: Boston Chinatown Gate (John F Fitzgerald Surface Rd)

The Boston crowd will gather in front of the State House with Hong Kong-based U.S. citizens, students, and groups like the Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, Friends of Hong Kong and Macau, and Tibetan communities. Frances Hui, whose article “I am from Hong Kong, not China” has drawn attention and threats from the Chinese student community, will be moderating and speaking in the protest. She will share her experience as a Hongkonger and the negative impact the bill would bring. A speech from a Uighur girl in Boston would be delivered by Hui as well due to the safety issue. Before the walk starts, MIT Lab Director Maya Mitalipova, who is a Uighur from Kazakhstan, will talk about the situation of Uighurs in Xinjiang and her opinions on Hong Kong’s extradition bill.

Our group will be present in Boston’s Dragon Boat Festival at 12 pm before the rally to promote and expose our advocacy to the public, as well as the Chinese officials who are invited to open the ceremony.

To learn more of the bill, its impact, and the global campaign against the bill, please check out Hui's newly released explanatory video here.

List of all rallies for the global solidarity with Hong Kong on 9th June 2019: https://www.facebook.com/globalsolidarityHK
