左起,昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),中華頤養院執行長Bill Graves,董事陳秀英,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz(, 陳德基,中華頤養院董事長雷偉志。(中華頤養院提供) |
(Boston Orange) 中華頤養院日前以”型塑我們的未來”為主題,在昆士市龍鳳酒樓舉行年會,表揚優秀員工,並頒發獎學金鼓勵員工進修。
中華頤養院董事長雷偉志表示,” ”型塑我們的未來”這年會主題,既彰顯了該院經營重心,也闡釋了該院去年的成就,他們將在強有力的領導層,高效率的管理及臨床團隊合作下,以精心打造的計畫來繼續構建該院能力。
當晚出席嘉賓包括昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),代表區域包括昆士市的麻州眾議員陳德基,以及麻州眾議會財政委員會新任主委麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)。
中華頤養院執行長Bill Graves特地感謝他們支持耆英。
在年會上,中華頤養院還頒發了史立德學習中心中華頤養院基金會獎學金,持續鼓勵該院員工在專業上進修。得獎者包括持牌執業護士Kevin Liaw,資訊經理Quoc
Thang,註冊護士Shirley Van;表揚Oi Lai Li,Yan
Zhu Liu和Lang Rong Mei獲得食物供應安全證書。Oi Lai Li,Yu Xiu
Chen,Yan Zhu Liu,Yan Hua He,Bi Yu Liu 和Jie
Yun Wu等人因為在加強個人護理,以及啟發優異團隊合作等方面的表現,獲得丁/穆加(Ting/Mugar)傑出領導力獎。
中華頤養院創辦於1985年,在2014年擴遷至昆士市華盛頓街288號,不但硬體設備大為改善,也持續贏得醫療護理及醫療補助機構的五星級評等,長年被美國新聞及世界報導評為全美十大最佳頤養院之一。查詢該院詳情可上網 www.southcovemanor.org。(資料來源:中華頤養院)
Cove Manor at Quincy Point to hold Annual Meeting
House Ways and Means Chair
Aaron Michlewitz to be Guest Speaker
South Cove Manor at Quincy
Point, a non-profit rehabilitation and care community, held its Annual Meeting
and Dinner “Forging Our Future” on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at China Pearl
Restaurant, 237 Quincy Avenue, Quincy.
Board Chair Richard Lui opened
the meeting stating, “Our meeting theme ‘Forging Our Future’ speaks to
both our focus and our
accomplishments of the last year. We have strong leadership, highly
effective management and
clinical teams, and a detailed plan for continuing to build our organization’s
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch
followed with welcoming remarks and State Representative Tackey Chan, 2nd
Norfolk district, introduced the featured Guest Speaker, Aaron Michlewitz,
State Representative, 3rd Suffolk district, and Chair of the House Ways and
Means Committee. President and C.E.O. Bill Graves thanked Chairman Michlewitz
and Representative Tackey Chan for their support of quality care for frail and
vulnerable older adults.
In addition to remarks by
Chairman Michlewitz, highlights of the meeting included the Schlichte Learning
Center/South Cove Manor Nursing Facilities Foundation Scholarships to support
employees’ professional growth and advanced training. Scholarships were awarded
to Kevin Liaw, L.P.N., Quoc Thang, I.T. manager, and Shirley Van R.N., and recognition
was given to Oi Lai Li, Yan Zhu Liu, and Lang Rong Mei for achieving ServSafe
certification in food safety, a program supported by the scholarship program.
Ting/Mugar Outstanding
Leadership Awards were presented to Oi Lai Li, Yu Xiu Chen, Yan Zhu Liu, Yan
Hua He, Bi Yu Liu and Jie Yun Wu for demonstrating leadership that advances
personalized care and inspires excellence and teamwork.
Founded in Boston in 1985,
South Cove Manor moved in 2014 to a new and expanded state-of-the-art campus at
288 Washington Street in Quincy. The new campus significantly expanded South
Cove’s rehabilitation capacity and created a series of small resident
communities for elders.
South Cove Manor at Quincy Point is a non-profit
organization and multicultural community and its specialty is providing short
term rehabilitation services to elders after a hospitalization or illness.
South Cove Manor has consistently achieved a 5 Star rating from the Centers of
Medicare and Medicaid Services, the nation’s highest quality accolade for
senior care, and been named as one of the country’s top nursing centers year
after year by US News & World Report. www.southcovemanor.org. (From South Cove Manor)