星期四, 1月 12, 2023

麻州生物醫藥創投資金2022年報告出爐 歷來第2高共87億元

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio) (12) 日公佈2022麻州生物製藥資金報告,指出麻州在早期研發聚落上領先世界的地位,依然穩固,去年流進麻州的創投資金之高,達到87.2億美元,僅次於2021年的136億美元。


            根據該報告,在2022年中,全美的生物製藥投資經費,有大約25%流進了在麻州的公司。製藥業投資者基於經濟不穩定,市場在重整,上市窗口又關上了大門,對較長期投資會尋求更多資訊之際,行動更加謹慎,每一輪的投資金額都縮水了 (2021年的5300萬元相比,2022年在3530萬元左右),投資也流進更多公司 (246家公司有273輪投資和236家公司253輪投資相比)

為了促進這產業的區域成長,在2022年內獲得創投資金的公司,有51%座落在劍橋市之外,比2021年的42%,有所增加。在劍橋市之外,有12個市鎮獲得2022年麻州創投資金總額的至少1%,比前一年的6個多,獲得資金的新市鎮包括貝德福市 (Bedford) 16000萬元,尚莫維爾市 (Somerville) 14500萬元,以及傅萊明罕市 (Framingham) 9150萬元。

麻州生物科技協會董事長暨執行長Kendalle Burlin O’Connell表示,資金在2022年流進地方上的生物製藥公司,就是投資者想要繼續成為這裡的早期研究及發展的一部分的證明。麻州的創新生態系統是第一流的,有了這些投資,就有新機會把這產業散盡州內心的角落,促進對病患有益的,令人興奮的科學。

不過從公司上市來說,麻州的趨勢和全美情況相似,2022年只有8家公司上市,平均規模為16200萬元。值得注意的是,在2022年內,麻州的公司上市數額占了全美的33%,而且儘管人們預測併購會很活躍,但是在麻州內的生物醫藥公司只收購了26家公司,比2021年的收購34家公司,以及2020年的收購28家少。這些公司收購的總額為59億元,比2021年的638.6億元少 (其中包括2次價格共超過500億元的收購交易)

            Kendalle Burlin O’Connell還補充道,麻州在收受持續的,有意義投資上,地位仍然強勁,但採納縮減通貨膨脹法,加上美國食品藥檢數 (FDA)近年發出的批准少了,都給了投資者暫停的新理由。為了對抗這情況對創新的冷卻效應,以及處理會危及這行業在這兒成長機會的人才挑戰,麻州必須向這行業重申,已證明對麻州經濟有價值的承諾,讓麻州保持「什麼都可能之州」的名聲。

MassBio’s 2022 Massachusetts Biopharma Funding Report Shows Strong Industry Investment Despite Market Reset and Ongoing Economic Uncertainty

JAN 12, 2023

CAMBRIDGE, MA—January 12, 2023—The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio®) today released its 2022 Massachusetts Biopharma Funding Report that showed another strong year for Massachusetts’ world-leading early-stage R&D cluster. The calendar year ending on December 31, 2022 saw the second highest total of venture capital (VC) funding to Massachusetts-based biopharma companies, $8.72 billion, surpassing 2020’s $8 billion and only falling short of 2021’s $13.66 billion. This influx of private funding into the Massachusetts ecosystem will ensure that lab and biomanufacturing space will continue to be in demand, and startup formation and company expansions will lead to additional jobs.

According to the report, about 25 percent of national VC biopharma investments flowed to Massachusetts biopharma companies in 2022. In a sign that biopharma investors are acting cautiously by seeking more data on a longer time horizon amid economic uncertainty, a market reset, and a closed IPO window, the average round size shrank ($35.3 million 2022 compared to $53 million in 2021), and investments flowed to more companies (246 companies over 273 rounds compared to 236 across 253 rounds). Furthering the industry’s growth regionally, 51 percent of companies that received VC funding in 2022 were located outside of Cambridge, up from 42 percent in 2021. Twelve municipalities outside of Cambridge received at least 1% of the total VC funding statewide in 2022, up from six the previous year. Among the communities newly featured are Bedford ($160M), Somerville ($145M), and Framingham ($91.5M).

“The VC funding that flowed into local biopharma companies in 2022 is proof that investors continue to want to be a part of the early-stage research and development happening here,” said Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, President and CEO of MassBio. “The Commonwealth’s innovation ecosystem is second to none, and with these investments comes new opportunities to spread the industry into new corners of the state and advance exciting science toward patients.”

Though the cool IPO market in Massachusetts matched national realities, a few Massachusetts-based initial public offerings (IPO) did occur, with 8 companies going public and an average deal size of $162 million. Notably, the Massachusetts IPOs represented 33% of all biopharma IPOs in the U.S. in 2022. While many predicted an active year for mergers and acquisitions, the total number of Massachusetts biopharma companies acquired was just 26, down from 34 in 2021 and 28 in 2020, again matching national trends. The combined value of the acquisitions was $5.9 billion, down from $63.86 billion in 2021 (a total that included two deals worth over $50 billion).

“Massachusetts remains in a position of strength to receive continued, meaningful investment, but the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, coupled with the fewest U.S. FDA approvals in years, will give investors new reasons for pause,” added Burlin O’Connell. “To counteract these chilling effects on innovation and address the enduring workforce challenges that endanger the industry’s future growth here, the Commonwealth must renew its commitment to an industry that has proven its value to the state economy and its residents and send a clear message to investors that Massachusetts remains the state of possible.”

The 2022 Massachusetts Biopharma Funding Report is a supplement to MassBio’s annual Industry Snapshot released in August and is produced in partnership with Evaluate®, the premier source for commercial analysis of the pharma and biotech sector.
