The Passing of Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Means
America’s Vote Becomes Ever More Important
Advancing Justice – AAJC
Says the American People Need A Voice in Next SCOTUS Appointment
— The passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is sending
shockwaves across America. As the nation mourns, a new battle on Capitol
Hill looms, as many expect some in Congress to exploit this national loss for
partisan gain.
John C. Yang,
president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
releases the following statement in response:
“Tonight, Advancing Justice - AAJC mourns the passing of Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a pioneering champion for gender equality
and a tireless protector of civil and human rights for all people in this
country. Her voice will be sorely missed.
As a civil rights organization, Advancing Justice - AAJC honors Justice
Ginsburg, as a guiding light on cases of utmost importance to the work we do
and the equity we seek, not only for Asian Americans but for all Americans.
From dissenting opinions in Shelby
v. Holder and Ledbetter
v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. to landmark opinions in Evenwel v. Abbott that
affirmed one person, one vote and United
States v. Virginia which allowed women to attend the Virginia
Military Institute, Justice Ginsburg was an unrelenting, fierce defender of
Given that people are already voting, and Election Day is less than 45 days
away, ‘we the people’ should choose the president who will choose Justice
Ginsburg’s replacement. Anything else is undemocratic. This
election already was critically important in determining the future of our
country. Tonight, it became even more important.
But tonight is about remembering a remarkable legal career and a chance to
walk in the shadow of greatness and to uphold the code of fairness and equity
with which Ruth Bader Ginsburg lived her life. Advancing Justice – AAJC will
honor the legacy of Justice Ginsburg through our work.”