
星期四, 4月 02, 2020

昆士市設立支援基金 助飲食業人士支付房租

昆士市市長Tom Koch和昆士市可負擔廉房信託基金會和昆士商會已聯手創辦支援基金,協助受新冠病毒影響,在支付租金上有困難的飲食業員工。查詢支援基金申請資格,請到下列網站;https://www.quincyhospitalitysupportfund.com/ 或電郵/電話:昆士商會- info@thequincychamber.com或 617-471-1700
查詢:617-657-5377或 電郵QuincyCovidRent@qcap.org 和上網 www.qcap.org市長和可負擔廉房信託基金會及Quincy Community Action Programs也已協商,會為有需要人士提供支援。
Applications are now available for housing assistance programs sponsored by the City, one for hospitality workers being coordinated by the Quincy Chamber of Commerce and one for all other workers coordinated by the Quincy Community Action Programs. • The programs are being funded by an emergency appropriation from the City’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund at the request of Mayor Koch. The Affordable Housing Trust is a fund created by fees paid by developers of housing projects in the City. There will be no expense to local taxpayers for these programs. • Contact he Quincy Chamber of Commerce at  www.quincyhospitalitysupportfund.com, 617-471-1700 or info@thequincychamber.com for an application and details of the hospitality workers program • Contact Quincy Community Actions Program at www.qcap.org, 617-657-5377, or QuincyCovidRent@qcap.org for an application and details of that program. 
