星期四, 4月 30, 2020

Tom Koch: 昆士市小企業可申領最高1萬元補助

昆士市長柯奇(Thomas P. Koch)介紹"小企業救濟項目"。(昆市府提供,
Lisa Aimola攝)
(Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市長柯奇(Thomas P. Koch)(30)日宣佈推出總額100萬元的昆士小企業救濟項目,即日起為昆士市本地員工少於20人,年收入有限,不足以競爭其他資助的小企業,提供最高1萬美元補助。
國會議員林奇(Steohen Lynch)。(翻攝自視頻)
昆士市計畫局長James J. Fatseas說明申請流程。(翻拍自視頻)
這補助項目的經費,將由聯邦政府CARES法刺激方案中的社區發展街區補助(Community Development Block Grant)撥給100萬元來辦理。該法案在城市可以如何分配這筆新資金上,包括很關鍵的彈性,為這補助項目創造了可行途徑。
柯奇還說,很簡單的,沒有國會議員林奇(Stephen Lynch)的領導與支持,並確保城市得到正確工具來做對社區最有利的決定,我們不可能做成這件事。他深深感謝林奇多年來和昆士市的夥伴關係,他也感謝參議員愛德華馬基(Ed Markey),伊莉莎白華倫(Elizabeth Warren)在參議院的支持此事。
昆士市商會會長Tim Cahill。(翻拍自視頻)
昆士小企業救濟項目將由昆士市計畫及社區發展局執行,相關申請資訊在市府網站(www.quincyma.gov)上都可以找到。 該局工作人員會在申請流程上提供協助,並回答任何問題。查詢可洽Jim Scribi,617-376-1578,或jamesscribi@quincy.ma.gov。
根據昆士市太陽報的報導,昆士市商會會長Tim Cahill在會上表示,該會代表昆市府動用可負擔住宅信託基金,協助餐飲,酒店業從業人員繳交房租的援助項目,迄今已幫助了400人,共用了大約50萬元。

Mayor Launches Small Business Relief Program
QUINCY – Mayor Thomas P. Koch today launched a new local grant program that will provide immediate financial relief to dozens of Quincy small businesses most severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Applications for the Quincy Small Business Relief Program will open today, April 30, and provide up to $10,000 to small businesses located in Quincy. The program will focus on businesses with 20 or fewer employees and modest annual revenue that may not have the resources to compete for other kinds of assistance.
 “These are the small businesses – the barber shops, the restaurants, the independent cleaners –  that are facing the most serious challenges amid this historic crisis, and it’s our hope that this modest measure of relief will make a very real difference,” said Mayor Koch.
The grant program will be financed by a $1 million infusion of federal Community Development Block Grant funding that was part of the CARES Act stimulus package.  The legislation included critical flexibility on how cities could allocate the new funding, creating a pathway to make the program possible.
“Quite simply, we wouldn’t be able to do this without the leadership and advocacy of Congressman Lynch to ensure cities were given the right tools to make decisions in the best interests of their communities. I am deeply grateful for his years of partnership, and for the work of Senators Markey and Warren for their efforts in the Senate,” the Mayor said.
Added Congressman Lynch:
“When Congress passed the CARES Act, we understood that local Mayors like Tom Koch had a firm grasp on what was needed and where funds should be directed within their cities.” said Rep. Lynch.  “The Quincy Small Business Relief Program is the result of a successful working partnership between Governor Charlie Baker, Quincy Mayor Tom Koch and all our federal partners. I am deeply grateful for Mayor Koch’s steady leadership throughout this process.”
The program will be administered by the City’s Department of Planning and Community Development, and applications and information can be found at www.quincyma.gov.  Applications will only be accepted online, but Planning Department staff will be available to assist applicants with the process and answer any questions.
The program will not be first-come, first-served. All applications received between April 30 and May 15 will be considered in a merit-based process. Officials encouraged potential applicants not to rush their applications. (From City of Quincy)
