星期五, 3月 01, 2024

AAJC建立反仇恨數據資料庫 推出亞裔資源樞紐

                (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)南加州亞美促進正義會(AJSOCAL)和亞美促進正義會 (AAJC),微軟 (Microsoft)合作設立的亞裔資源樞紐 (Asian Resource Hub) 229日正式面市。

               AAJC指出,這新資源具有雙重任務,一為經由收集來的亞裔社區報告,綜合整理,描繪出上漲的仇恨趨勢,一為以亞裔語言提供具文化能力的服務,以及可以搜尋的全國資源指南。該網站目前有中文(傳統中文與簡體)、韓文、越南文翻譯。所有人都可免費上此網站 asianresourcehub.org.

               南加州亞美促進正義會執行長Connie Chung Joe,亞美促進正義會會長John C. Yang,基本權益科技 (Technology for Fundamental Rights)總經理Merisa Heu-Weller依序分別指出,推出這資源旨在回應在新冠病毒疫情期間及之後,持續的,對亞裔社區的騎士;長期以來亞裔社區都缺乏深遠的有品質數據,以反映人們所遭受的仇恨事件;了解並分析數據,人們就能對社區到底正在發生些什麼事,有更好的了解。

 LOS ANGELES, CA and Washington, DC — Today marks the launch of the Asian Resource Hub, a unique digital resource developed in collaboration between Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California (AJSOCAL), Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC (Advancing Justice – AAJC), and Microsoft. This new resource pioneers a dual mission: 1) to illustrate the surge of hatred through data culled from a combination of reports (surveys, hate trackers, law enforcement, and public records) about the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities (AAPIs) and 2) to provide a searchable national directory of resources and culturally competent services that offer help in Asian languages. The website is currently translated in Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Korean, and Vietnamese. Access to the hub is free to all at u8 

Connie Chung Joe, CEO, Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California said, "The Asian Resource Hub is a direct response to the ongoing discrimination against our community during, and because of, the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a crucial need for AAPIs to find vetted, language accessible and culturally competent resources when and where help is needed. The impact of hatred and discrimination is too often devastating and complex.” 

John C. Yang, President, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC commented, “There’s a profound absence of quality data reflecting the hate incidents and experiences endured. With the Asian Resource Hub, our goal is clear: to fill these gaps, and provide awareness and data that empower the AAPI community to confront and overcome these challenges. We are grateful to our partner Microsoft for bringing their expertise to this pressing need.” 

Merisa Heu-Weller, General Manager, Technology for Fundamental Rights, Microsoft -- “By understanding and analyzing data we can provide insights for community members to better understand what is happening in the neighborhoods where they live, work and play. By working together to create The Asian Resource Hub, Microsoft, AJSOCAL and Advancing Justice - AAJC are providing communities with that clarity through a data-dashboard, supportive collateral, and a national directory to help fight against Asian incidents.” 

By the Numbers: AAPIs and Anti-Asian Hatred: 

·  The Asian Resource Hub provides public data on the AAPI community by illustrating the scope of widespread anti-Asian discrimination and hate in the U.S. using storytelling narratives and the Microsoft-powered PowerBI data visualization platform based on data collected by StopAAPIHate.org, StandAgainstHatred.org, the U.S. Census Bureau, FBI reports, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, local law enforcement, and other sources. The Asian Resource Hub demonstrates the growth and needs of the AAPI community, from before, during, and after the COVID-19 era. By presenting data in a visually compelling manner, the Asian Resource Hub aims to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these communities. 

AAPI Resource Directory: 

·  The Asian Resource Hub introduces a searchable resource directory, featuring vetted AAPI community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide low/no-cost and culturally competent and linguistically appropriate direct services. This directory makes it easier for individuals and communities to access essential resources tailored to their own languages and needs. Currently listed are more than 60 organizations in over 21 states that provide a variety of services including legal assistance, social services, civic engagement opportunities and more. 
