
星期四, 6月 02, 2022

Maura Healey 參選麻州州長 前競爭對手哈佛教授 Danielle Allen 也支持


         (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州總檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 在競選麻州州長的爭取背書支持上,今 (2) 日再下一城,早前退出麻州州長選舉的參選人,哈佛大學教授 Danielle Allen也宣佈支持奚莉。

                   倡議加強民主,處理濫用毒品危機,呼籲凝聚社區力量,化解諸如居住、環境、司法改革等議題的Danielle Allen,將在麻州民主黨黨代表大會上作為奚莉參選麻州州長的提名人之一。

                   Danielle Allen在新聞稿中表示,她很高興能夠為奚莉背書,支持一位經驗全面有深度,致力服務人民有記錄的經驗豐富領導者。她說,奚莉經由指派領袖推動進步的司法改革行動有深度,有強度,有奚莉支持環境正義,防止用藥 (吸毒)過量,以及同日登記成為選民,奚莉將是因應麻州所面對最大問題的有效率領導。她期盼著這週末提名奚莉。

            奚莉表示,Danielle Allen是一名傑出的領導者,學者,有遠見的人,她推動美國要秉持最高理想,還把這同樣的理念帶到這場麻州州長選舉之中。她們兩人有共同信念,認為麻州只有在所有居民都自由參與民主,健康並快樂生活時,麻州才會繁榮。她感謝Danielle Allen對她這場選舉的信心,並為今日得到Danielle Allen的背書感到驕傲。

            Danielle Allen是一名經驗豐富的非牟利領袖,民主倡議者,在因應疫情上的全國聲音,也是一名傑出作者,母親。她是全麻州第一個競選全州性職位的黑人婦女,她致力於把世界改變成對年輕人更好,因而教書,把大學裏的一個6000萬元部門推動成為一個60億元的基金,還為華盛頓郵報撰稿,支持大麻合法化,民主改革,公民教育等等。

Danielle Allen Endorses Maura Healey for Governor Ahead of the Democratic Convention

Allen is an internationally-recognized democracy advocate and previously ran for Governor of Massachusetts

BOSTON – Ahead of the Democratic Convention, former candidate for Governor and Harvard professor Danielle Allen endorsed Maura Healey for Governor of Massachusetts. Allen ran on a platform focused on strengthening democracy, addressing the substance use crisis, and bringing our communities together to tackle challenges from housing to climate to justice reform. She will serve as one of Healey’s nominators at the Convention.

“I’m delighted to endorse Maura Healey — a seasoned leader with an invaluable depth of experience across the board and a track record of commitment to the people of Massachusetts,” said Allen. “With the depth and strength of her criminal justice reform agenda, including her focus on driving progress through leadership appointments, Maura is already leading for change — and with her support for climate justice, overdose prevention sites, and same day voter registration, she will be an effective champion on the biggest issues facing our state. I look forward to nominating her this weekend.”

“Throughout her distinguished career as a leader, scholar, and visionary, Danielle has pushed our country to live up to its highest ideals. She brought that same conviction to this race,” said Healey. “She and I share the belief that our state can thrive only when all of our residents can participate freely in our democracy and live healthy, happy lives. I’m grateful to her for her faith in our campaign and proud to earn her endorsement today.”

Danielle Allen is a seasoned nonprofit leader, democracy advocate, national voice on pandemic response, distinguished author, and mom. Danielle made history as the first Black woman ever to run for statewide office in Massachusetts. Her work to make the world better for young people has taken her from teaching college and leading a $60 million university division to driving change at the helm of a $6 billion foundation, writing for the Washington Post, advocating for cannabis legalization, democracy reform, and civic education, and most recently, to running for governor of Massachusetts. During the height of COVID in 2020, Danielle’s leadership in rallying coalitions and building solutions resulted in the country’s first-ever Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience; her policies were adopted in federal legislation and a Biden executive order. She continues to advocate for democracy reform to create greater voice and access, and drive progress towards healthy communities, a healthy democracy, and a healthy climate for our country and our Commonwealth.
