星期四, 6月 23, 2022

Maura Healey Endorsed by Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia, City Officials During Visit to Victory Theatre

 Maura Healey Endorsed by Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia, City Officials During Visit to Victory Theatre

HOLYOKE – Maura Healey picked up numerous endorsements from Holyoke officials on Wednesday during an event held at the Victory Theatre renovation site. Mayor Joshua Garcia, City Council President Todd McGee, City Councilor At-Large Tessa Murphy-Romboletti, and School Committee Member Erin Brunelle announced their support for Healey’s campaign for Governor.

Officials pointed to Victory Theatre, as well as the nearby South Holyoke Homes affordable housing project, as examples of transformative projects currently taking place in the city.

“I’m honored to receive the endorsements of Mayor Garcia, Council President McGee, Councilor Murphy-Romboletti, and School Committee Member Brunelle. I look forward to partnering with them to bring economic development and opportunities to our Gateway Cities,” said Maura Healey. “The South Holyoke Homes and Victory Theatre projects are examples of the types of investments we need to help communities thrive. As Governor, I’ll be committed to increasing the housing stock across the state, expanding pathways to homeownership, and supporting our vibrant arts industry.”

“Maura Healey gets it! She has proven that she will be a Governor who understands and values Gateway Cities like Holyoke. She is committed to investing in black and brown communities like ours, which have oftentimes been overlooked. This is why I proudly endorse her.” said Mayor Joshua Garcia. “She knows that to create a Massachusetts where every family can thrive, we need real economic development, housing solutions, world class public education and reliable public transportation that center equity and fairness. Only then can we connect, build and grow our communities and offer meaningful opportunities to everyone.”

About the Victory Theatre:

The Victory Theatre is a 1,600-seat Broadway-style theater that opened in 1920 and has been vacant since 1979. It is currently being restored by the Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts (MIFA) with the support of private, individual, corporate, and foundation donations, public grants, and State and Federal Historic Tax Credits and New Market Tax Credits.

About South Holyoke Homes

The South Holyoke Homes, an affordable rental and homeownership project in South Holyoke led by the Holyoke Housing Authority (HHA). It will ultimately hold 66 affordable rental units and 19 rowhouse-style, owner-occupied properties on vacant lots surrounding Carlos Vega Park. The project also includes streetscape work, such as new curbing, sidewalks, streetlights, pedestrian walkways, and green space. 
